Bardot - A S a P Lyrics

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Artist: Bardot
Song Title: A S a P
Visits: 812
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Asap, asap

Im so tired of creepin around

Im walking on eggshells

Like a thief in the night

Sneaking in and out of your house

See, your momma dont like me

I admit that Im no angel

But I treat her with respect

Still she dont care

Baby, believe me

My patience is running on empty

Your mommas in my business

Can you tell her to let me be, asap

Shes been on my nerves from day one

(whats going on? )

Can you tell me what is this conspiracy against me, asap

Back off you cant touch this chemistry

Retreat asap

How does it feel for you?

Being stopped by your very own mum

Our relationships for two

Now the time has come

So whats it gonna be

Gonna follow your mum

Obey everything she says

Or will you stand on your own

The choice is yours

Dont take too long

cause, Ill be gone

Baby, believe me

My patience is running on empty

Your mommas in my business

Can you tell her to let me be, asap

Shes been on my nerves from day one

(whats going on? )

Can you tell me what is this conspiracy against me, asap

Back off you cant touch this chemistry

Retreat asap

Shes tapping your phone

To check whos calling

From dusk until dawn

Shes on your tail

Whenever were alone

I can feel her peeking

Been going on too long

Wont take this no more

Baby, believe me

My patience is running on empty

Your mommas in my business

Can you tell her to let me be, asap

Shes been on my nerves from day one

(whats going on? )

Can you tell me what is this conspiracy against me, asap

Back off you cant touch this chemistry

Retreat asap

Your mommas in my business

Can you tell her to let me be, asap

Shes been on my nerves from day one

(whats going on? )

Can you tell me what is this conspiracy against me, asap

Back off you cant touch this chemistry

Retreat asap

Asap (asap)

Asap (please mum let me be)

Asap (stop harrassing me)

Asap (please mum let me...)

Asap (oh stop harrassing me)

Asap (oh wont you let me be)

Stop harrassing me, yeah

cause she dont know me or my history

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Other Bardot song Lyrics
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    I thought I really meant the words that I said
    I had so many reasons in my head
    But all I really needed was a little time and space..."
  • Feel Right
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    What's that look on your face
    So miserable uncomfortable
    Why you looking so sad..."
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