Bare Naked Ladies - Same Thing Lyrics

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Artist: Bare Naked Ladies
Bare Naked Ladies Author
Album: Born On A Pirate Ship [ENHANCED CD] (1996)
Bare Naked Ladies - Born On A Pirate Ship [ENHANCED CD] Album
Song Title: Same Thing
Genre: Rock
Visits: 838
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What does it mean to wake out of a dream and
be wearing some else's shorts?
I've been around the block, at least on my bike
I was prepared for the news but not for
The Third World War

I found me an answer, in a grocery store
I found me an answer in the form of an old man with
a cardigan on, this guy's got thirty years on me but
he stops and smiles just to say "Hello,
didn't I see you on TV?"

Must've been the same thing
Must've been the same thing
Must've been the same thing
Charlie Brown went through

I'm in a comic store
Lookin' for some mistakenly priced comic I could make
A fortune on and in walks the Fantastic Four
I say "don't go; That last issue was cool!"

Must've been the same thing
Must've been the same thing
Must've been the same

These things all end
Who asked you anyway?
You'll have to bend
Who asked you anyway?

I'm in a thunderstorm
Staying out from under trees never holding
Golf clubs, but still seem to be getting
Struck by lightning... must be
something in my veins
My weathered veins

Must've been the same thing

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  • One Week
    "It's been one week since you looked at me
    Cocked your head to one side
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    Five days since you laughed at me saying..."
  • Be My Yoko Ono
    "if there's someone you can live without, then do so.
    And if there's someone you can just shove out, do so.
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  • Alternative Girlfriend
    "You're in an all-girl band
    Your futon's second hand
    Your parents understand but you don't care
    I have a job in a shop..."
  • If I Had 1000000
    "I'd buy you furniture for your house
    If I Had $1000000 I'd buy your love.
    If I Had $1000000 I'd build a tree fort in our yard.
    If I Had $1000000 You could help, it wouldn't be that hard...."
  • Call And Answer
    "I think
    it's getting to the point where I can be myself again.
    It's getting to the point where we have almost made amends.
    I think..."
  • Get In Line
    "Everywhere I go someone's tryin' to be my girlfriend's best friend
    I'm tryin' to pretend I'm relaxed but I'm playin' castanets with my knees
    I try to be cool and give her space
    But a guy's always there ready to jump right up and take my place..."
  • if you want to see other song lyrics from "Born On A Pirate Ship [ENHANCED CD]" album, click "Bare Naked Ladies Singer" and search album songs from the artist page.

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