Barenaked Ladies - War On Drugs Lyrics

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Artist: Barenaked Ladies
Barenaked Ladies Author
Album: Everything To Everyone (SE) (2003)
Barenaked Ladies - Everything To Everyone (SE) Album
Song Title: War On Drugs
Genre: Alternative
Visits: 765
Print Version

She likes to sleep with the radio on

So she can dream of her favorite song

The one that no one has ever sung since she was small

She'll never know that she made it up

She had a soul and we ate it up

Thrown away like a paper cup

The music falls

The only flaw in her detailed plan

Is where she wins back the love of her man

Everyone knows that he's never coming back

He took her heart and she took his name

He couldn't stand taking all the blame

He left her only with guilt and shame and then she cracked

Won't it be dull when we rid ourselves

Of all these demons haunting us

To keep us company

In the dream I refuse to have

She falls asleep in a lukewarm bath

We're left to deal with the aftermath again

On behalf of humanity

I will fight for your sanity

How profound such profanity can be

Won't it be dull when we rid ourselves

Of all these demons haunting us

To keep us company

Won't it be odd to be happy like we

Always thought we're supposed to feel

But never seem to be

Near where I live there's a viaduct

Where people jump when they're out of luck

Raining down on the cars and trucks below

They've put a net there to catch their fall

Like it'll stop anyone at all

What they don't know is when nature calls, you go

They say that Jesus and mental health

Are just for those who can help themselves

But what good is that when you live in hell on earth?

From the very fear that makes you want to die

Is just the same as what keeps you alive

It's way more trouble than some suicide is worth

Won't it be dull when we rid ourselves

Of all these demons haunting us

To keep us company

Won't it be odd to be happy like we

Always thought we're supposed to feel

But never seem to be

Hard to admit I fought the war on drugs

My hands were tied and the phone was bugged

Another died and the world just shrugged it off

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  • if you want to see other song lyrics from "Everything To Everyone (SE)" album, click "Barenaked Ladies Singer" and search album songs from the artist page.

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