Barrett Syd - Clowns And Jugglers (Octopus) Lyrics

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Artist: Barrett Syd
Barrett Syd Author
Song Title: Clowns And Jugglers (Octopus)
Visits: 929
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Trip to heave and ho, up down, to and fro'

you have no word

trip, trip to a dream dragon

hide your wings in a ghost tower

sails cackling at every plate we break

was cracked by scattered needles

the little minute gong

coughs and clears his throat

madam you see before you stand

hey ho, never be still

the old original favorite grand

grasshoppers green Herbarian band

and the tune they play is "In Us Confide"

so trip to heave and ho, up down, to and fro'

you have no word

Please leave us here

close our eyes to the octopus ride!

Isn't it good to be lost in the wood

isn't it bad so quiet there, in the wood

meant even less to me than I thought

with a honey plough of yellow prickly seeds

clover honey pots and mystic shining feed...

the madcap laughed at the man on the border

hey ho, huff the Talbot

the winds they blew and the leaves did wag

they'll never put me in their bag

the raging seas will always seep

so high you go, so low you creep

the wind it blows in tropical heat

the drones they throng on mossy seats

the squeaking door will always squeak

two up, two down we'll never meet

Please leave us here

close our eyes to the octopus ride!

Sit up, touching hips

to a madcap galloping chase

"Cheat" he cried shouting kangaroo

it's true in their tree they cried

Please leave us here

close our eyes to the octopus ride!

The madcap laughed at the man on the border

hey ho, huff the Talbot

Clowns And Jugglers (Octopus) Lyrics at Lyricstrue

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