Barrio Boyzz - My Destiny Lyrics

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Artist: Barrio Boyzz
Song Title: My Destiny
Visits: 883
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My destiny: The Barrio Boyzz

I remember all the days
I spend with you
so close to you, in my arms
wondering if (I f you be mine)

All the love in life you see
can never compare
to the love I have for you
you know we're meant to be
you're my destiny

you, no one else but you
from the start I knew
you and I were meant to be, my destiny
its you send from above
the angels of love(of love, love, of love)
send to me my destiny(you are my destiny)

each day that I knew, my love grew stronger
if I couldn't be with you
my love would just fade way
being with you is a gift
loving you is precious
I'll cherish the angels that was brought to my life

always you , no one else but you
from the start I knew
you and I were meant to be, my destiny
its you (and its you babe) send from above
the angels of love(I never had someone)
send to me my destiny(you)

when trouble seems to never end
just look back
and that with each others love
we'll find a way
and I know deep down together
for ever don't ever stop (No)
don't let it end(no)
cant let you slip away
cause you are

you , no one else but you(noo)
from the start I knew(from the start I knew it was destiny)
you and I were meant to be(you are the only one), my destiny
its you (we are meant to be)) send from above
the angels of love(you don't know what you mean to me)
send to me my destiny( you are the one, the only one my destiny)

and it you no one else but you
from the start I knew
you and I were meant yo be, my destiny
send fro above, the angels of love
send to me my destiny

you, no one else but you
from the start I knew
you and I were meant to be, my destiny
its you send from above
the angels of love

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Other Barrio Boyzz song Lyrics
  • A Chance For Love
    "Girl it's time to show your stuff
    And let me know what you're made of
    We can work like hand and glove
    Rub me all over so that i just can't get enough..."
  • Deeper
    "You've been on my mind
    Now girl i got to tell you
    How this heart of mine
    Is feelin' like it's never known..."
  • Destiny
    "I remember all the days
    I spent with you
    All the love in life you see
    can never compare..."
  • Eres Asi
    "Fue como una isla en altamar
    el poeta en su gran serenidad
    cuando tu y yo,vimos el por que
    a mi vida y tu amor...."
  • Eres Mi Verdad
    "Eres mi verdad no hay nada que te da?e en la oscuridad
    pues cuido yo de ti hasta el despertar es asi, mi amor.
    Al besarte a ti, siento correr descargas de electricidad
    de una manera siento yo girar sin parar, es por ti..."
  • Estas Esperando
    Estas esperando ese amor linda ilucin
    esperando baby, muy calmadamente.
    Estas esperando ese amor linda ilucin..."
  • I Get Lifted
    "Last night
    I had this feelin'
    when we were making love
    it felt so right..."
  • Ill Treat You Right
    "Lovely and nice, i'll treat you right
    Lovely and nice, i'll treat you right
    I'll treat you right - Morning, noon and night-baby..."

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