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Beautiful Music Song Lyrics
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Before I knew that I was blessed When I was just like the rest of the people Who never let dreams in their minds Music would play and say Maybe you're wastin' your time Before I knew what good could be When I couldn't see the need or the reason For trusting in me or my star Music would play and say Hey, what a dummy you are! And when I heard all the words about passion Singin' to me about love of a fashion That I never heard anywhere else That's when I said, "Gotta get some of that for myself" And when I heard about hurtin' and healin' Beautiful words about beautiful feelings What lots of believin' could do Beautiful music, I knew it just had to be true You're beautiful Beautiful Music Beautiful Music Beautiful Music Beautiful Music Beautiful Music Before I saw my life in lights When I couldn't taste the nights I was missin' I'd listen alone in my bed And music would sing to me Things no one else even said And when I heard all the words about passion Singin' to me about love of a fashion That I never heard anywhere else That's when I said, "Gotta get some of that for myself" And when I heard about hurtin' and healin' Beautiful words about beautiful feelings What lots of believin' could do Beautiful music, I knew it just had to be true You're beautiful Beautiful Music Beautiful Music Beautiful Music Beautiful Music Beautiful Music Beautiful, Beautiful Music Beautiful, Beautiful, Beautiful Music Beautiful, Beautiful Music Beautiful, Beautiful, Beautiful Music Beautiful, Beautiful Music Beautiful, Beautiful Music -acapo
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