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Kissalude Song Lyrics
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Other Basement Jaxx song Lyrics | Rendez-Vu "I got you in my heart, I got you in my head. Your magic it surrounds me. I've got you in my heart,..." | Yo-Yo "You were a prophet from above Then you came and sucked my blood My pain became my strength I am reborn I'm..." | Jump N Shout "Hey easy now, easy Yeah yeah Got ta Jump n' Shout Got ta Jump n' Shout..." | U Cant Stop Me "I got sixteen seconds, and I don't wanna stop I got no time for the present, living on a spinning top I got Satan on the TV I got God in a frame..." | Jaxxalude "Ja-ba-ba-Ja-ba-ba The rhythmn, the tracks, The Basement Jaxx, The rhythmn, the tracks,..." | Red Alert "Red alert! Red alert! It's a catastrophe Don't worry.....Don't panic Ain't nothin' goin' on but history, yeah..." | Always Be There "Feed me hungry, feed me cold When lines run deep and when I'm old Will you be there for me? Will you always be there?..." | Gemilude "For all it's worth, I've been jackin' in the basement from birth, Never really knew it, Until I started walking to earth,..." | |
if you want to see other song lyrics from "Rooty" album, click "Basement Jaxx Singer" and search album songs from the artist page. | |
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