Bath Acid - Cassie Eats Cockroaches Lyrics

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Artist: Bath Acid
Bath Acid Author
Album: When the Kite String Pops (1994)
Bath Acid - When the Kite String Pops Album
Song Title: Cassie Eats Cockroaches
Genre: Rock
Visits: 903
Print Version

"She came towards me, and with the light like it was, the like light of heavenly grace, and the first thing that flashed into me gulliver was that I'd like to have her right down there on the floor with the old in-out - real savage."

I feel the wetness of her tongue that slides across my skin
The viruses crawl over me and feel for some way in
Cassie loves to swallow, this bleeding will not stop
I left cassie hollow, cut you with my cock

Cassie likes it in her hand, Cassie's dead inside
I came to fuck the open wound, so hold it open wide
Cassie loves to swallow, this bleeding will not stop
I left cassie hollow, cut you with my cock

Show it to me, spread your legs
Don't you fucking look at me
Show it to me, spread your legs
You are so fucking suave
Let's fuck!

Take me into the ocean, lay me out on her shore
Wake me when the sun burns out and we'll run forever more
We're all gonna die tomorrow, the freaks are screaming burn it down
She can't feel the weather, I can't touch the ground

Pale and twitching, twisting to the cold dance
Watching the room grow old, a funeral romance
Somewhere, someone's screaming that the world's gone
Smear me with your blood and let these dead boys sing their grave songs

Slide across the warm red floor to meet me
Lock the bathroom door before they crawl to eat me
Cut her throat and whisper that we're going home
Twitching to the cold dance, they suck the meat from her bones
Suck, suck, suck

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  • if you want to see other song lyrics from "When the Kite String Pops" album, click "Bath Acid Singer" and search album songs from the artist page.

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