Bathtub Holiday - Noah Lyrics

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Artist: Bathtub Holiday
Song Title: Noah
Visits: 841
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Hes got, the sickness again ,hes neurotic, hes not yr friend. a-a-a-noah under, layers of skin, you will find him, he needs to begin. a-a-a-noah every time i see him, he will look away. every time i need him,OH! a-a-a-naoh. he says, im praying to god. it got louder. and i know how you lie. a-a-a-noah. pills pills the knowledge that kills, its feeding the blueberry thrills. a-a-a-noah. every time i see him, he will look away, every time i need him. OH! a-a-a...a-a-a...a-a-a-noah

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    "You dont owe me anything. so stop thinking about it. yr heart is empty the floor is clean, and i wouldnt doubt it. when were togethor when were apart, it just seems like yr trying to control my heart, i would give you anything, it makes me sick just to say this to say anything. i cant believe that you showed up, right here for me to see, well im doing you a favor so, just sit there quietly. when were togethor when were apart, it just seems like yr trying to control my heart. i would give you anything it makes me sick just to say this to say anything. i shouldve gone, i shouldve gone, i still could go, but my memory says no. we couldve made you into something if only youd listened to me. when were togethor when were apart it just seems like yr trying to control my heart, i would give you anything it makes me sick just to say this to say anything.


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