Battiato Franco - Magic Shop Lyrics

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Artist: Battiato Franco
Battiato Franco Author
Album: L'era Del Cinghiale Bianco (1990)
Battiato Franco - L
Song Title: Magic Shop
Genre: Rock
Visits: 833
Print Version

Lover's springtime, lover's season comes and goes,
And our desires never age with time, come what may,
This is so,
For when I think of how I've wasted those moments
Lost forever, they'll never never return.
Lover's springtime, lover's season comes and goes,
And suddenly you realize, there you are,
In surprise.
Ah how many lost occasions we've thrown away,
Never have regrets, never never say die.
Still a new enthusiasm
waits to make your heart beat strong.
Another chance to discover just who you are;
And the horizons you lost will return nevermore.
Lover's springtime, lover's season comes and goes,
With all it its wagers and its fears, but this time,
Will it last for long,
For when I think of how I've wasted those moments
Lost forever, they'll never never return.
Ah how many lost occasions we've thrown away,
Never have regrets, never never say die.
Still a new enthusiasm
waits to make your heart beat strong.
Lover's springtime, lover's season comes and goes,
And our desires never age
with time, come what may,
This is so.

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Other Battiato Franco song Lyrics
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  • Delenda Carthago
    "Cuccurrucucu, paloma. Ay, ayayayay, cantaba.
    Cuccurrucucu, paloma. Ay, ayayayay, cantaba.
    Las serenatas en el saln del instituto
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  • Haiku
    "Volano gli uccelli volano
    nello spazio tra le nuvole
    con le regole assegnate
    a questa parte di universo..."
  • Energia
    "El mito del amor vive, se nutre de fantasia
    cuando te enamoras, todo es bello
    aunque cmo te obsesiona el pensamiento.
    En la atraccin, necesidad de unidad,..."
  • Fetus
    "E in certo il processo mentale,
    la voce marmo e cemento
    vivo malgrado me stesso...
    Difficile attuare il controllo,..."
  • Una Cellula
    "Certe notti per dormire mi metto a leggere,
    e invece avrei bisogno di attimi di silenzio.
    Certe volte anche con te, e sai che ti voglio bene,
    mi arrabbio inutilmente senza una vera ragione...."
  • Cariocinesi
    "Suoni lunghi di campane tibetane a valle
    svegliavano al mattino i falegnami del paese;
    temporali estivi con lenzuola appese.
    Nell'aria qualche cosa si ferm...."
  • Fenomenologia
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    e in ogni camera ho lasciato qualche mia energia
    quanti figli dell'amore ho sprecato io
    racchiusi in quattro mura, ormai saranno..."
  • if you want to see other song lyrics from "L'era Del Cinghiale Bianco" album, click "Battiato Franco Singer" and search album songs from the artist page.

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