Battlelust - The Sword Of Death Lyrics

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Artist: Battlelust
Song Title: The Sword Of Death
Visits: 794
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Here I stand in my tower, clothed in marble and ebony

and from my tower I behold my vast infinite kingdom

the shadows reveal flocks of wolves hunting in the night

warlords gather their armies of destruction and hate

My tower, my supreme black work of art

a gateway to the everlasting fields of eternity

where forests stand proud and evergreen

where the wolves join me for nocturnal hunt

where the soil is untouched by holy hands

where the mountains stand tall, pantheons as they are

The dark ocean reflects beams of moonlight

the night reveals memories of an ancient past

I travel with the wolves, I fly with the ravens

I gain ancient knowledge buried by time and dust

In the black mountain up ahead lies the dreaded caves

the caves which conceals the sword of death

waiting for it's rightfull owner, waiting to be used in war

I reach for the sword, my fingers clutches the swordhilt

as the ancient past opens up before my eyes

I return to my tower, in my hands lies the sword of doom

the sword that means the death of the hordes of light

the sword that means the arrival of the dark age

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    a distance cry awakens me
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  • The Dawn Of The Black Hearts
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