Bavu Blakes - Sarcasm Lyrics

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Artist: Bavu Blakes
Song Title: Sarcasm
Visits: 806
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I tried to be cool w/ you bitch but that shit don't sell

What you expect, for my records to respect females?

Everybody gotta diss the chicks but LL

The greatest of all time love-rhymer, oh well

You can gather your bags, head to mama's house, fine

But you whined when my music wasn't making a dime

So whuddup with the double standard

You took me for granted 'cause I was broke

Now you gettin' backhanded

Straight reprimanded and branded a ho

We can have a home and not owe, stack this dough

We shouldn't be fightin', pressin' charges with the po'

When you said stop flowin' if the cash don't flow

It's hard to believe that's the way you gon' be

When it's another emcee, you cool

Like, 'they ain't talkin' 'bout me'

But when the spotlight turns on me

If you wanna be mad, be mad, fuck that, flee

That love wasn't no more permanent than your Lee nails

I tried to be cool w/ you bitch but that shit don't sell


How can I respect the woman

And call life the bitch

When life's a gift?

Figure I'ma be like everybody else whose cd's you buy

So fuck all y'all hoes except mama

Pac showed y'all love

But y'all gave him more love for the drama

Or am I wrong?

Let's just move on

See a song is a song ain't it?

A hit can keep bellies full, can't it?

Sell a million records and nobody's complaining

Regardless of what I'm saying

So if you can't handle me saying scandalous thangs

Why are you staying?

Can I keep arena's crunk

without saying fucked up stuff?

Is talent alone gonna be enough?

This relationship shit is tough

With your views all twisted up

My mouth always did get me in trouble

But I'm standing firm

Living like royalty when the checks come in

For my new song, "nut in your perm"

Even overseas it'll earn real well

I tried to be cool w/ you bitch

But that shit don't sell


Mad at Tip 'cause he went there, like it ain't art, yeah

But mum's the word on the cats who just start there

Biggie could care less, hideous (no), tight (yes)

So why won't you be my video ho

I passed up a whole bunch of one-night stands

By talkin' too much like I was tryin' to be their man

I won't make that mistake again, mark my words

I speak how I feel, it's culty, smart, for nerds

Not the quality of labelI deserve

So for now on, every broad I touch gets served

Y'all all on my dick 'cause I rap, at least I write it like that

With a real life quill in my fluffy mack hat

Take that, stank ass whores, giving you what you cool with

I ain't no fool but the rules are the rules (bitch)

Trash all the letters my ex sends in the mail

Tried to be cool with your black ass, but it don't sell


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