Bavu Blakes - See You Lyrics

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Artist: Bavu Blakes
Song Title: See You
Visits: 776
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I was hoping I could see you again

At the same time

same place

same everything

When I'm with you I don't need anything

You know my best interests by heart

raised me to be smart

taught at my first school

Kinda strict with the rules

every blue moon we fought

but you were always cool

Solid support from the start

showed me to do what I ought

and played a primary part

In my life and you still do

and I know you will do

whatever to love me

To take care of me

to guide me

provide me with what I need kindly

Miles away, still beside me

talking through telepathy

walking the earth, separately

It's hectic, believe me

but I'm always needy

but you're willing to feed me

And make it seem easy

like I don't know it's not

what a job you got

Gave me breast milk through red beans

made sure I kept my room clean

now I'm hardly seen


Raised me and my sisters

actually put up with us through every Kwanzaa and Christmas

However many years it is when this reaches your ears

studied our ideas, and interests

then kept us in books

arts or sports pretty much all semesters

Always a solid reason for any time you left us

sometimes your belt whelped us

To show you're not our playmate

encouraged us to create

not everyone can relate

Your contribution's so great

can I see you at my show date

this invitation won't wait

Realize I won't be here forever

that's how life is

we'll always be together

'Cause you get where you wanna go

you yourself told me so

which makes it better

Hope I pass before you pass

'cause you're stronger than I'm strong

but I'll see you before long


Almost a year

carried me with you

got married two weeks before the finale

Helped raise your family on a Baton Rouge 'hood budget

after your mama went to judgment

Gave us more don'ts than do's and if we got confused

your actions allowed us to see it

Your beauty secret

stay away from drugs and booze

left it on us to choose

What beauty was

being strong or being buzzed

you saw a lot of things in us

We didn't see in ourselves

wouldn't have known otherwise

mother who molded our lives

So unbelievably wise

I feel so young in your eyes

where a lot of my soul lies

When you're in your own house

payin' your own bills

then you grown for real

What you said I'm livin' that now

hardly get to go back

how I miss how it feels


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