Bavu Blakes - UpSouth Lyrics

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Artist: Bavu Blakes
Song Title: UpSouth
Visits: 823
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Rappers talk how they try to elevate

I say later for that and levitate

West coast they call it hella great

East coast they say I represent

Up^south texas resident

But below nobody I never been

Confident and it's evident

Never step on stage hesitant

Never feel out of my element

Act a fool, still intelligent

Some folks rap for the hell of it

Saying nothing, now that's negligent

How many of y'all know where Texas is?

Stolen land, formerly Mexican

Southwestern like my next of kin

Supreme specimen with a pen

I wreck until the day of reckoning

No choice but to listen in

Snared by the drums they draw you in

We making rap music raw again

I was wondering if y'all ready

For how I'm coming it's a little heavy

Where I'm from they answer 'already'

Not just another killer pimp medley

Another set of dubs on a chevy

That's my folks and it does affect me

I'll be damned if I let it define me

I didn't learn to rap in the 90's

Nowadays rap is regional

Hot groups are just seasonal

But my blessings are unbelievable

Any goal set's achievable

So me gettin' mine is feasible

I'm trying to take it international

Make the states wait last, y'know

Gotta figure it out as you go

Mic checks gotta cash or you owe

Execute or get executed

Don't mention it if you won't do it

Why play hype when you're not into it

'Cause it hurts how little joy you get

Grown man whippin' these boys with it

Elderly 'cause I'm cleverly witted

Tell me straight-faced you can't feel it

Look me in the eyes, show me your spirit

That's what I thought, let 'em shift or drop

Like your positioning in hip-hop

Unreal with a bunch of phony moves

Mockin' our concepts and attitudes

But that's not enough, 'cause there's more to us

Fake as you wanna be but can't do us

Better figure your own way to bust

Or you're just tumbleweed in the dust

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  • Overnight
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    * send corrections to the typist
    Issues get choosed, therefore I choose to digest issues
    Like all these wack mc's that do all that wackin'..."
  • Sarcasm
    "* send corrections to the typist
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  • See You
    "* send corrections to the typist
    I was hoping I could see you again
    At the same time
    same place..."

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