Bay City Rollers - Another Rainy Day in New York City Lyrics

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Artist: Bay City Rollers
Bay City Rollers Author
Song Title: Another Rainy Day in New York City
Visits: 831
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Listen to the radio
A voice on the early show says I'm not alone
It's just another rainy day in New York City
And the rain comes pouring down
Like early morning strangers we had nothing left to say but
"See you round".

And I think of the night when it all felt so right
How was I supposed to know?
Now your feeling's gone 'cos when I call on the phone
You told the operator say "Sorry, no-one's home"

It's another rainy day in New York City
At night those city lights they sure look pretty
I held my candle to the wind and watched my dreams just sail away
With another rainy day in New York City

To think that only yesterday
Life was such an easy game that I could play
Now it's another rainy day in New York City
And the rain comes pouring down

So I'm on my own and the radio says
That the sun ain't gonna shine
With the words you said spinnin' round in my head
You know I can't find a way to get you out of my mind.

It's another rainy day in New York City
At night those city lights they sure look pretty
I held my candle to the wind and watched my dreams just sail away
With another rainy day in New York City

It's another rainy day in New York City
At night those city lights they sure look pretty (to fade

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    SATURDAY night!
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