B.B. King - Aint Nobody Here But Us Chickens Lyrics
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B.B. King Singer Lyrics
Aint Nobody Here But Us Chickens Song Lyrics
B.B. King
Song Title:
Aint Nobody Here But Us Chickens
Print Version
One night farmer brown was takin' the air
Locked up the barnyard with the greatest of care
Down in the hen house something stirred
When he shouted, "who's there?"
This is what he heard
There ain't nobody here but us chickens
There ain't nobody here at all
So calm yourself and stop that fuss
There ain't nobody here but us
We chickens tryin' to sleep and you butt in
And hobble, hobble, hobble, hobble, with your chin
There ain't nobody here but us chickens
There ain't nobody here at all
You're stompin' around and shakin' the ground
Kicking up an awful dust
We chickens tryin' to sleep and you butt in
And hobble, hobble, hobble, hobble, it's a sin
Tomorrow is a busy day
We got things to do, we got eggs to lay
We got ground to dig and worms to scratch
It takes a lot of sittin', gettin' chicks to hatch
Oh, there ain't nobody here but us chickens
There ain't nobody here at all
So quiet yourself and stop that fuss
There ain't nobody here but us
Kindly point the gun the other way
And hobble, hobble, hobble, hobble off and hit the hay
Tomorrow is a busy day
We got things to do, we got eggs to lay
We got ground to dig and worms to scratch
It takes a lot of sittin', gettin' chicks to hatch
Oh, there ain't nobody here but us chickens
There ain't nobody here at all
So quiet yourself and stop that fuss
There ain't nobody here but us
Kindly point the gun the other way
And hobble, hobble, hobble, hobble off and hit the hay
Hey, hey boss man, what do you say?
It's easy, pickins, there ain't nobody here but us chickens
Aint Nobody Here But Us Chickens Lyrics
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Other B.B. King song Lyrics
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"You act like you don't want to listen
When i'm talking to you
You think you outta do baby
Anything you wanna do..."
Gamblers Blues
"I don't know what love is
But i think i must have it bad
Yeah, you know i don't know what love is people
Whoah, but i think i must have it bad..."
Night Life
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Yeah, you'll find me hangin' around
Because the night life,
It ain't no good life but it's my life..."
Buzz Me
"When i saw you this morning, baby
Tell me why did you walk away
When i saw you this morning, baby
Tell me why did you walk away..."
Blind Love
"People, i was standing at my window
Tears running all down my cheeks
Yes, standing at my window
Tears running all down my cheeks..."
Baby Get Lost
"Good mornin' baby, baby, welcome back to town
Yeah, you doin' so much trav'lin' woman, i never know when you're gonna be
Yeah, you a fine and mellow baby but you stubborn as a mule..."
Gonna Keep On Loving You
"Say what you wanna
Say what you please
It don't make no difference, baby
You're all right with me..."
Since I Met You Baby
"Since i met you baby
My whole life has changed
Since i met you baby
My whole life has changed..."
if you want to see other song lyrics from "Let The Good Times Roll" album, click "
B.B. King Singer
" and search album songs from the artist page.
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