B.B. King - Saturday Night Fish Fry Lyrics
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B.B. King Singer Lyrics
Saturday Night Fish Fry Song Lyrics
B.B. King
Let The Good Times Roll (1999)
Song Title:
Saturday Night Fish Fry
Print Version
Now if you've ever been down to new orleans
Then you can understand just what i mean
All thru the week it's quiet as a mouse
But on saturday night they go from house to house
You don't have to pay the usual admission
If you're a cook, a waiter or a good musician
So if you happen to be just passin' by
Stop in at the saturday night fish fry
It was rockin', it was rockin'
You never seen such scufflin'
And shufflin' 'till the break of dawn
It was rockin', it was rockin'
You never seen such scufflin'
And shufflin' 'till the break of dawn
Now my buddy and me was on the main stem
Foolin' around just me and him
We decided we could use a little something to eat
So we went to a house on rampart street
We knocked on the door and it opened up with ease
And a lush little miss said, "come in, please"
And before we could even bat an eye
We were right in the middle of a big fish fry
It was rockin', it was rockin'
You never seen such scufflin'
And shufflin' 'till the break of dawn
It was rockin', it was rockin'
You never seen such scufflin'
And shufflin' 'till the break of dawn
Now the folks was havin' the time of their life
And sam was jivin' jimmie's wife
Over in the corner was a beat up grand
Being played by a big fat piano man
Some of the chicks wore expensive frocks
Some of them had on bobbie socks
But everybody was nice and high
At this particular saturday night fish fry
It was rockin', it was rockin'
You never seen such scufflin'
And shufflin' 'till the break of dawn
It was rockin', it was rockin'
You never seen such scufflin'
And shufflin' 'till the break of dawn
Now the women were screamin' and jumpin' and yellin'
The bottles was flyin', and the fish was smellin'
And way above all the noise we made
Somebody hollered, "you better get outta here, this is a raid!"
I didn't know we was breaking the law but
Somebody reached over and hit me on the jaw
Now they had us blocked off from front to back
And they was puttin' 'em in the wagon like potatoes in a sack
It was rockin', it was rockin'
You never seen such scufflin'
And shufflin' 'till the break of dawn
It was rockin', it was rockin'
You never seen such scufflin'
And shufflin' 'till the break of dawn
I knew i could get away if i had a chance
But i was shakin' like i had the st. vitus dance
So i tried to crawl in under a bath tab
When a policeman said, "where are you goin' there, bub?"
Now they got us out of there like a house on fire
And put us all in the black maria
Now they might have missed a pitiful few
But they got both me and my buddy too
It was rockin', it was rockin'
You never seen such scufflin'
And shufflin' 'till the break of dawn
It was rockin', it was rockin'
You never seen such scufflin'
And shufflin' 'till the break of dawn
Well we headed for jail in a dazed condition
They booked each one of us on suspicion
Now my chick came down and paid my bail
And finally got me outta that rotten jail
Now if you ever want to get a fist in your eye
Just mention a saturday night fish fry
I don't care how many fish in the sea
But don't ever mention a fish to me
It was rockin', it was rockin'
You never seen such scufflin'
And shufflin' 'till the break of dawn
It was rockin', it was rockin'
You never seen such scufflin'
And shufflin' 'till the break of dawn
Saturday Night Fish Fry Lyrics
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Other B.B. King song Lyrics
Paying The Cost To Be The Boss
"You act like you don't want to listen
When i'm talking to you
You think you outta do baby
Anything you wanna do..."
Gamblers Blues
"I don't know what love is
But i think i must have it bad
Yeah, you know i don't know what love is people
Whoah, but i think i must have it bad..."
Night Life
"When that ev'nin' sun goes down,
Yeah, you'll find me hangin' around
Because the night life,
It ain't no good life but it's my life..."
Buzz Me
"When i saw you this morning, baby
Tell me why did you walk away
When i saw you this morning, baby
Tell me why did you walk away..."
Blind Love
"People, i was standing at my window
Tears running all down my cheeks
Yes, standing at my window
Tears running all down my cheeks..."
Baby Get Lost
"Good mornin' baby, baby, welcome back to town
Yeah, you doin' so much trav'lin' woman, i never know when you're gonna be
Yeah, you a fine and mellow baby but you stubborn as a mule..."
Gonna Keep On Loving You
"Say what you wanna
Say what you please
It don't make no difference, baby
You're all right with me..."
Since I Met You Baby
"Since i met you baby
My whole life has changed
Since i met you baby
My whole life has changed..."
if you want to see other song lyrics from "Let The Good Times Roll" album, click "
B.B. King Singer
" and search album songs from the artist page.
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