BBMak - Marys Prayer Lyrics

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Artist: BBMak
Song Title: Marys Prayer
Visits: 935
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Everything is wonderful, being here is heavenly,
Every single day she sends, everything is free
I used to be so careless, as if I couldn't care less,
Did I have to make this mess, when I was Mary's prayer?

Suddenly the heavens rolled, suddenly the rain came down,
Suddenly was washed away, the Mary that I knew,
So when you find somebody to keep, think of me and celebrate,
I made such a big mistake, when I was Mary's prayer

So if I say save me, save me, be the light in my eyes,
And if I say ten Hail Mary's, leave the light on in heaven for me

Blessed is the one who shares, your power and your beauty Mary,
Blessed is the millionaire, who shares your wedding day,
So when you find somebody to keep, think of me and celebrate,
I made such a big mistake, when I was Mary's prayer

So if I say save me, save me, be the light in my eyes,
And if I say ten Hail Mary's, leave the light on in heaven
So if I say save me, save me, be the light in my eyes,
And if I say ten Hail Mary's, leave the light on in heaven for me

If you want the fruit to fall, you have to give the tree a shake,
If you shake the tree to hard, the bough is gonna break,
And if I can't reach the top of the tree, Mary you can blow me up there,
What I wouldn't give to be, when I was Mary's prayer

So if I say save me, save me, be the light in my eyes,
And if I say ten Hail Mary's, leave the light on in heaven
Save me, save me, be the light in my eyes,
And if I say ten Hail Mary's, leave the light on in heaven

Save me, save me, be the light in my eyes,
What I wouldn't give to be, when I was Mary's prayer,
What I wouldn't give to be, when I was Mary's prayer,
What I wouldn't give to be, when I was Mary's prayer.

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