Beach Boys - Im The Pied Piper Lyrics

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Artist: Beach Boys
Song Title: Im The Pied Piper
Visits: 759
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[Hello I'm the Pied Piper from the far away land of Night]
[Nobody knows anything about my existence]
[I only want to know kids]
[Late at night when people are sleeping]
[I go into their old radios and turn them into magic transistors]
[And fly outside with them]
[I come from such a far away land of Night]
[That I'm fascinated with the funny music I hear on your radios]
[You are the first to know of me]
[You can't see me I'm hidden]
[But you can see the green glow I make]
[I heard you laugh last night]
[I figured that you would be amused by me]
[Listen to this]

(Bow bow)
(I'm the Pied Piper)
(Bow bow bow bow bow)
(In the radio)

(Bow bow)
(I'm the Pied Piper)
(Bow bow bow bow bow)
(In the radio)

(Bow bow)
(I'm the Pied Piper)
(Bow bow bow bow bow)
(In the radio)

Then the prince heard something he never knew could be

(Bow bow)
(I'm the Pied Piper)
(Bow bow bow bow bow)
(In the radio)

The hidden Pied Piper was laughing

(Bow bow)
(I'm the Pied Piper)
(Bow bow bow bow bow)
(In the radio)

As the prince moved his head back and forth with the music going on

(Bow bow)
(I'm the Pied Piper)
(Bow bow bow bow bow)
(In the radio)

When the music died down the Piper said that "every night

(Bow bow)
(I'm the Pied Piper)
(Bow bow bow bow bow)
(In the radio)

After midnight if you leave your on your transistor radio

(Bow bow)
(I'm the Pied Piper)
(Bow bow bow bow bow)
(In the radio)

I'll promise to bring more magic music to you

(Bow bow)
(I'm the Pied Piper)
(Bow bow bow bow bow)
(In the radio)

No one" he said " will ever believe you so why tell of me to anyone?

(Bow bow)
(I'm the Pied Piper)
(Bow bow bow bow bow)
(In the radio)

You are my only friend of night" said the Pied Piper "and I'll talk to
you again some night"

(Bow bow)
(I'm the Pied Piper)
(Bow bow bow bow bow)
(In the radio)

Then the radio was glowing no more
As it fell into the hands of the fascinated prince
He ran back amazed and he hopped right back into bed

That night he dreamt all night
Mostly about his radio and his friend the Pied Piper

The prince did try what the Piper said to do
But for weeks at night
He heard nothing like the music of that magic night

"That Pied Piper must have been joking" he said
"There's nothing but Bach on this radio
I'm gonna throw it back up in the attic for good"
This he sat disbelieving the young prince so loud
That two of his brothers overheard him
The next day those two brothers took the radio from the attic and turned
it on
(Dom dom kingdom)
There it was the music had to be from the Pied Piper himself

(My radio is radiatin? through the)
(Dom dom kingdom)
(Through the misty night)
(Through the misty night)

(Dom dom kingdom)
(My radio is radiatin? through the)
(Dom dom kingdom)
(Through the misty night)
(Through the misty night)

(Dom dom kingdom)
The prince's sisters ran in their brother's room
(My radio is radiatin? through the)
(Dom dom kingdom)
And they were all dancing and screaming with joy
(Through the misty night)
(Through the misty night)
But the transistor was playing too loud

And their mother heard it
(Dom dom kingdom)
"What are you doing there? What is that you're listening too?
Give me that radio at once" she said

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