Beach Boys - Wipe Out Lyrics
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Wipe Out Song Lyrics
Beach Boys
Song Title:
Wipe Out
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Heheheheheheee Wipe oooout!
Wipin' out wipe out
Wipin' out wipe out
Wah wah wah
Wipin' out wipe out
Wipin' out wipe out
Wah wah wah
Wipin' out wipe out
Wipin' out wipe out
Wah wah wah
Wipin' out wipe out
Wipin' out wipe out
Hey watch out
Here we go here go
Wah wah wah
Wipin' out wipe out
For three years straight we toured the nation
When we get through we needed a vacation
We wanted to party and get a little rest
So we packed our things and headed out west
We got our surfboards took the beachball out
Jumped in a limosuine ready to "Wipeout"
Now we're ready to go
Here we go here we go
One one two one two one two hit it D
Here we go
We got to California I said headed for the beach
There were girls galore all within our reach
There was sand and sun and lots of fun
But when we get there the fun really begun
So we cut on the box and started to shout
It was the Beach Boys rockin' huh huh the "Wipeout"
Oo oo
Ooo ooo
Oo oo
Wa-ah-ah-ah wawawa-ooh-oo
Wa-ah-ah-ah wawawa-ooh-oo
That's it, that that that's it dit dit dit dit dit
Hit it D
The sun went down and the night began
We was rapping for the people cold chillin' boppin'
We was partying hard making lots of noise
When around the corner came the real Beach Boys
So we all jumped up and started to shout
"Let's all sing the song called the 'Wipeout'"
Wipin' out wipe out
Wipin' out wipe out
Wah wah wah
Wipin' out wipe out
Wipin' out wipe out
Wah wah wah
Wipin' out wipe out
Wipin' out wipe out
Wah wah wah
Wipin' out wipe out
Wipin' out wipe out
Hey watch out
Wah wah wah
Wipin' out wipe out
Stay go stay go stay go
Bring it out now
Wipin' out wipe out
Wipin' out wipe out
Wah wah wah
Wipin' out wipe out
Wipin' out wipe out
Wah wah wah
Wipin' out wipe out
Wipin' out wipe out
Wah wah wah
Wipin' out wipe out
Wipin' out wipe out
Hey watch out
Wah wah wah
Wipin' out wipe out
Wipe Out Lyrics
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