Beam - Renaissance Lyrics

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Artist: Beam
Song Title: Renaissance
Visits: 1015
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Sometimes in our ignorance, we forget what things are real
Searching for our innocence, we forget what things to feel
We're all alone at sea sometimes, looking back without regret
Reminded of the past sometimes, remembering to not forget

Perfection can never be achieved
Unless we learn how to forgive
Through His death we learned to believe
Through His life we learned how to live

The Golden Son blows a silver breeze
Through my copper sails
And His water sets me free
A renaissance of life occurs
As the horizon fades into me
Renaissance, renaissance
Renaissance, renaissance

Sail away but not too far
Don't be scared to return
Understanding who we are
Through our mistakes we learn

Sometimes the water may get rough
Sometimes the water may surround
But sometimes are never always enough
There's always time to find higher ground

The Golden Son blows a silver breeze
Through my copper sails
And His water sets me free
A renaissance of life occurs
As the horizon fades into me
Renaissance, renaissance
Renaissance, renaissance

Ignorance, angel, faith, heaven, atrocity
Beauty, promise, truth, sorrow, tears, hate, forgiveness
Questions, learn, believe, breathe, night, strength, universe
Answers, pain, fight, flight, guilt, joy, ignominy
Silence, time, rain, peace, life, color, family
How can we believe but still not see?

Ignorance, angel, faith, heaven, atrocity
Beauty, promise, truth, sorrow, tears, hate, forgiveness
Questions, learn, believe, breathe, night, strength, universe
Answers, pain, fight, flight, guilt, joy, ignominy
Silence, time, rain, peace, life, color, family
How can we believe but still not see?

That sometimes the water may get rough
Sometimes the water may surround
But sometimes are never always enough
There's always time to find higher ground

The Golden Son blows a silver breeze
Through my copper sails
And the water sets me free
A renaissance of life occurs
As the horizon fades into me
Renaissance, renaissance
Renaissance, renaissance

(c) Jason Mannix, BMI

Renaissance Lyrics at Lyricstrue

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    But you're the one for me..."
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    Where to find the future we look to the past
    And broken dreams are the ones that last
    He'll still be there..."
  • So Much In Love
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    Holding hands, walking all alone
    So in love are we too
    No one else but me and you..."
  • ...Show All

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