Bear Vs Shark - Bloodgiver Lyrics

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Artist: Bear Vs Shark
Song Title: Bloodgiver
Visits: 788
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Tire this wrecking ball on jagged line been waking morning
a self defense machine to keep me up for the time being
produce the presses, omit the signs
it can be read in the morning paper
the first great step in the experiment
to crush
and kill
this partial reason
like a cesar
to cease the day
and the season
or to cower, like a demon
regrets will fall today
spread out
like a venus
into mucus
into muscle
blown by sand
stand into the mountains
aphrodisiac to pull me west again
tire this hidden cave to jagged line and step inside it
and line by line its written, your blood will spoll when its left your carcass
in sweage broken wheels, your four point stance is eaten
regrets will fall today
our shields will fall today
hibernation for some time now
sleeping bears to wake at dawn
travel far to surf the sky
been bolted down and stepped on

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  • BussesNo Busses
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  • Ma Jolie
    "Rows of condos and birds as helicopters
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  • Michigan
    "Oceanside boulevard
    its not that hard
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  • Mps
    "Under lines of trees
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  • ...Show All

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