Beard Spocks - At The End Of The Day Lyrics
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At The End Of The Day Song Lyrics
Beard Spocks
V (2000)
Song Title:
At The End Of The Day
Print Version
Earth - dancing 'round the fire
Come - meet the western sky
Life - walking on a wire
Reach - to know the reason why
At the end of the day
You'll be lying in a suit of Grey
At the end of the day
You'll be fine
They - won't do you any favors
('Till the slate is clean)
You - you walk a lonely line
Slide - with punks and drunks and saviors
(In the big machine)
Down - you meet the rest of life
At the end of the day
It's what you do not what you say
At the end of the day
You'll be fine
At the end of the day
It doesn't matter anyway
At the end of the day
You'll be fine
You'll be fine
Great wheel is broken - you've got no fortune left
Out of the sunlight - out of the great undead
And you can't even sleep at night
And you literally curse each day
You could give or give back your life anyway
Concrete and jungle
They've stretched and hung you out
You can't turn the clock back
It's too late to turn back now
And you can't even hold your own
And you feel like you're all alone
And you never feel like you're home anywhere
At the end of the day
There won't be anymore
(So turn the world around)
At the end of the day
We'll know what this was for
(As the sun keeps comin' down)
At the end of the day
You won't feel any pain
(As the sky begins to fall)
At the end of the day
You'll be feeling right as rain
(As the veil reveals it all)
Lightning calls you
It's time to go
Something keeps telling you
But you don't want to know
Feel your heart like a window open slow
Say goodbye to the world that you know
At the end of the road
It begins, it believes and it sees for all time
She's coming down my way
It is here, as it breathes and it sees for the blind
She's holding me finally
You've been schooled
Had aggression in large amounts
Just be truthful
It's everything that counts
There is no hand waiting that must be paid
We will leave our encores all unplayed
At the end of the day
It begins, it believes and it sees for all time
She's coming down my way
It is here, as it breathes and it sees for the blind
She's holding me finally
It begins, it believes and it blows me away
It is here, as it breathes at the end of the day
She's coming down my way
It begins, as it ends and it won't be unkind
She's coming down my way
It is here, as it breathes and it eases my mind
Here it is finally
It begins, as it ends and it blows me away
It is here, as it lives at the end of the day
Here it is finally
Earth - dancing 'round the fire
Come - breathe the breath of life
Life - walking on a wire
Just - let it all in tonight
At the end of the day
It's what you do not what you say
At the end of the day
You've got time
At the end of the day
You'll be dreaming as you fly away
At the end of the day
You'll be fine, you'll be fine
At The End Of The Day Lyrics
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Came upon us much too soon
Then was gone
The Light
Makes a dream
So very different
From any other dream..."
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