Bebo Norman - Lake City Lyrics

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Artist: Bebo Norman
Bebo Norman Author
Album: The Fabric of Verse (1999)
Bebo Norman - The Fabric of Verse Album
Song Title: Lake City
Genre: Gospel
Visits: 944
Print Version

Well even in the light of day
We somehow slipped away
Into the city down by the lake.
And just beyond the crowded streets
We found a place to meet
Where the grass was greener.
And how we did sing beneath our God.

And the measure of that place
Was the pleasure on your face
As the music starts to rise
And the sun did fall.
But when the melody was young
Until the singers all were sung
The Maker of the skies,
Well He just smiled on.

And the move was fine...
Beneath the mountain city walls
It was a picture of us all
And our hearts were laughing
As the band did play
Until the music took our feet
To the motion of the street,
This grass was bluer
And how we did dance
On the yellow lines.

And the measure of that place
Was the pleasure on your face
As the music starts to rise
And the sun did fall.
But when the melody was young
Until the singers all were sung,
The Maker of the skies,
Well He just smiled on.

When the darkness finally fell
The mountains cast their spell
And we were together
With our eyes upheld
To the passion in the sky,
Our God and country lights.
It's an endless matter and how we did shine,
How we did shine beneath that night.

And the measure of that place
Was the pleasure on your face
As the music starts to rise
And the sun did fall.
But when the melody was young
Until the singers all were sung
The Maker of the skies,
Well He just smiled on.

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Other Bebo Norman song Lyrics
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    And we will sing a different song
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    But I will hold you from now on..."
  • Cover Me
    "Cover me, cover up my tears
    Cover up this man who's covered up in fear
    I need a peace of mind, I need a piece of you
    To cover all that's gone and everything that's new..."
  • You Surround Me
    "There's never a day away from you
    I'm not a complete mess
    If I ever stay away from you
    It's only emptiness..."
  • Sons And Daughters
    "Tonight I dreamed that I could not catch my breath
    Tonight I dreamed that you were gone
    And I could feel the ocean pound against my chest
    In this world on my own..."
  • Perhaps Shell Wait
    "They say you cannot walk before you crawl
    I wonder why, I wonder why
    Because everybody dreams before they fall
    A wonder world and then we lose it all..."
  • Tip Of My Heart
    "It's on the tip of my heart, the words to say
    But I fall apart and I walk away
    There's an angry world pressed against my back
    And at every turn I keep looking back..."
  • Underneath
    "I saw her in a crowd
    Or maybe in a cloud
    Her daddy would be so proud
    Little miss beauty queen..."
  • Break Me Through
    "Today I woke up early, today I woke up sad
    It's funny how it hurts me, the love I've never had
    But I can feel you breaking me through this mess
    I can feel you through this loneliness..."
  • if you want to see other song lyrics from "The Fabric of Verse" album, click "Bebo Norman Singer" and search album songs from the artist page.

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