Bee Gees - Alone Lyrics
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Bee Gees Singer Lyrics
Alone Song Lyrics
Bee Gees
Still Waters (1997)
Song Title:
Rock: Pop-Rock
Print Version
I was a midnight rider on a cloud of smoke
I could make a woman hang on every single stroke
I was an iron man
I had a master plan
But I was alone
I could hear you breathing
With a sigh of the wind
I remember how your body started trembling
Oh, what a night it's been
And for the state I'm in
I'm still alone
And all the wonders made for the Earth
And all the hearts in all creation
Somehow, I always end up alone
Always end up alone
So I play, I'll wait
'Cause you know that love takes time
We came so far
Just the beat of a lonely heart
And it's mine
I don't want to be alone
Well, since I got no message on your answer phone
And since your busy every minute
I just stay at home
I make believe you care
I feel you everywhere
But I'm still alone
I'm on a wheel of fortune with a twist of fate
'Cause I know it isn't heaven, is it love or hate
Am I the subject of the pain
Am I the stranger in the rain
I am alone
And is there glory there to behold
Maybe it's my imagination
Another story there to be told
So I play, I'll wait
And I pray it's not too late
You know we came so far
Just the beat of a lonely heart
And it's mine
I don't want to be alone
And all the wonders made for the Earth
And all the hearts in all creation
Another story there to be told
So I play, I'll wait
And I pray it's not too late
You know we came so far
Just the beat of a lonely heart
And it's mine
I don't want to be alone
Gone, but not out of sight
I'm caught in the rain and there's no one home
Face the heat of the night-acap
Alone Lyrics
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Something you deny
You say I'm bad for you
And baby so do I..."
if you want to see other song lyrics from "Still Waters" album, click "
Bee Gees Singer
" and search album songs from the artist page.
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