Bee Gees - Fanny (Be Tender With My Love) Lyrics
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Bee Gees Singer Lyrics
Fanny (Be Tender With My Love) Song Lyrics
Bee Gees
Their Greatest Hits CD01 (2001)
Song Title:
Fanny (Be Tender With My Love)
Print Version
First I rise, then I fall
Seems like you don`t want
The love of this man at all
And it`s sure been a lonely time
Right up to the time I met you
So if you take a love like mine
Ooo, be tender with my love
You know how easy it is to hurt me
Fanny, be tender with my love
Cause it`s all that I`ve got
And my love won`t desert me
So you say to yourself, boy
You`re out of your brain
Do you think I`m gonna stand here
All night in the rain
And it`s the start of a love affair
The moment when I first met you
And if you want I`ll take you there
Ooo, be tender with my love
You know how easy it is to break me
Fanny, be tender with my love
Cause it`s all that I`ve got
And my love won`t forsake me
With my love, our love
Will seal it together
Ooo, with our love, you made a promise
You`ll always love me forever
Be tender with my love
You know how easy it is to break me
Fanny, be tender with my love
Cause it`s all that I`ve got
And my love won`t forsake me
Be tender with my love
You know how easy it is to break me
Fanny, be tender with my love
Cause it`s all that I`ve got
And my love won`t forsake me
Be tender with my love
You know how easy it is to hurt me
Fanny, be tender with my love
Cause it`s all that I`ve got
And my love won`t desert me
Be tender with my love
You know how easy it is to break me
Fanny, be tender with my love
Cause it`s all that I`ve got
And my love won`t forsake me....(fade)
Fanny (Be Tender With My Love) Lyrics
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