Beenie Man F/ Little Kirk - Nuh Lock Lyrics
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Nuh Lock Song Lyrics
Beenie Man F/ Little Kirk
Song Title:
Nuh Lock
Print Version
Intro & Chorus:
BEENIE: All some gal all a go obeah man
KIRK: Muh muh, muh muh (Hums)
KIRK: Gonna get on with out her now
BEENIE: Woh deh deh woh
KIRK: Ah, ah, muh muh (Hums)
BEENIE: After all yuh been through, eh
KIRK: Gonna get on with out her now
BEENIE: Di man tell har
KIRK: So long my money
BEENIE: And den him sey
KIRK: Good bye my dare
BEENIE: Woh deh deh woh
KIRK: Gonna get a long with out you now
BEENIE: Shouldn't go a obeah man trust mi
KIRK: So long my honey
BEENIE: And den him sey
KIRK: Good bye my dare
BEENIE: Woh deh deh woh
KIRK: Gonna get on with her now
Verse 1:
Woh deh, woh deh deh, woh deh deh, woh yes, and
Nuh put lock pon yuh husband
Gal dem out a road wi find di combination
Gal dem all a use gabweb an a tie man
Matey out a road wi break hi combination
But hear mi sing, woman yuh body is precious
Just true yuh body woppy kill him brother fillop
Gal hear mi style and come in a mi stable
Just through yuh body all Cane kill Abel
Gal hear mi sing, a want fi know a weh yuh have so comfortable
Look good, smell good and woman yuh like nuh miserable
Only one man yuh have and him nah give yuh nuh trouble
Yuh nuh have need fi time
So gal wine pon di double
BEENIE: Yuh man a sing
KIRK: Muh muh (Hum)
BEENIE: Yuh man a sing
KIRK: Gonna get along without yuh now
BEENIE: Yuh never know
KIRK: Ah, ah
BEENIE: Woh deh
KIRK: Muh muh (Hum)
BEENIE: Di man a sing
KIRK: Gonna get a long with out you know
BEENIE: Just through him sey
KIRK: So long my honey
BEENIE: An den him sey
KIRK: Good bye my dare
BEENIE: Woh deh deh woh
KIRK: Gonna get a long with out you now
BEENIE: Yuh should a never go a obeah man girl
That's where yuh wrong (Laugh)
KIRK: So long my honey
BEENIE: Good bye
KIRK: Good bye my dare
BEENIE: Ta-taa
KIRK: Gonna get a long without you now
Verse 2:
Hey, hey, hey, she fool hee, after mi tell har sey
Nuh put nuh lock pon yuh husband
Gal dem out a road wi find yuh combination
Gal dem all a use cabweb an a tie man
Gel dem out a road wi break his concentration
But hear mi sing, woman yuh nice and yuh simple
Yuh have yuh pretty face, yuh sexy shape and yuh dimple
But hear mi slang, man a walk and a stumble
Man sey yuh body dem a walk and a grumble
But mi nuh understand, yuh stoop low
And yuh go try cronicle
Gal dem out a road dem all a laugh after you
Cause him want Suzette and him want patsy too
And any time him get den, tell mi weh him a go do
KIRK: Ah ha
BEENIE: Him a go sing
KIRK: Muh Muh (Hum)
BEENIE: Him a go sing
KIRK: Gonna get a long with out her now
BEENIE: You never know
KIRK: Ah ha
BEENIE: Woh deh deh
KIRK: Muh muh (Hum)
BEENIE: Him a go sing
KIRK: Gonna get along with out you now
BEENIE: Di man sey
KIRK: So long my honey
BEENIE: An den him sing
KIRK: Good bye my dare
BEENIE: Woh deh deh woh
KIRK: Gonna get a long with out you now
BEENIE: All because yuh go obeah man yuh see it
KIRK: Muh muh
BENNIE: Him sing
KIRK: So long my honey
BEENIE: Good bye
KIRK: Good bye my dare
BEENIE: Ta-taa
KIRK: Gonna get a long with out you now
BEENIE: Girls time, girls time
But hear mi style
Nuh put nuh lock pon yuh husband
Gal dem out a road wi find yuh combination
Gal dem all a use cabweb and a tie man
Gal dem out a road will break his concentration
Nuh Lock Lyrics
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