Before Braille - The Spanish Dagger Lyrics

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Artist: Before Braille
Song Title: The Spanish Dagger
Visits: 802
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Well stop cashing me in for a thin line

You're right on track to know what it feels like

to lose more than you've ever gained

Charges pending further investigation

You've got to expect that you're falling from graces

Rehearsing all your persona will need when you're front-page fighting

(aim) for your dignity

I almost taste the the irony

How fiction replaces history

Use daunted glow to light your page

You say those feelings of doubt will never cut across your mouth

I know that Socrates and impurities are getting you down

You'll take all they've got to get your fill

Your time is running out

You're getting carried away because no one cares about your fame

I see the dagger in your name

Deny your roots for future rain, for future reign

Add one more kill to raise your worth

It's so sad, cause it's all the truth you have

Trade breath for gold

There's no Armageddon when banks are there to relieve you

Why prevent yourself to take wealth from someone else

Dare to incite yourself when you're your only foe

You're carried away

Nothing's real about your fame

I can see you drown in your own wake

So pale, so thin you'd float away

I see you trying so hard

So no one will ever take your place when you feel the dagger brush your face

Well' I deny myself what I can take when I can wait'and expect the same

Incriminated, your teeth still shine over the suffering

Deceiving trade, but the blade will shine

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  • Goodnight Quiet Noise
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    Your alibi will never hold up to mine
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  • Jaws Of Life
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