Before Dark - Tough Love Lyrics

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Artist: Before Dark
Song Title: Tough Love
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Tough love
You keep on telling me lies i can fantasize, but know i realize
You're still hungry for my love, but you should've ate huh, huh
Tough love
I keep on (i keep on) letting you back (letting you back) thats so whack
(thats so whack) but my heart attacks (but my heart attacks)
It don't matter what you do, never gon' get back with you, so keep on
Starvin' just to prove
Tough love

He said don't wear no tight shirts, tight skirts and don't flirt be home by
Eight i won't wait and don't make me bang on you
When i fell in love with you it was voodoo, i didn't know the things that you
You said you'd always be there, always give a care, but now you have no spirit
Ain't no fair

Tough love
You keep on telling me lies i can fantasize, but know i realize
You're still hungry for my love, but you should've ate huh, huh
Tough love
I keep on (i keep on) letting you back (letting you back) thats so whack
(thats so whack) but my heart attacks (but my heart attacks)
It don't matter what you do, never gon' get back with you, so keep on
Starvin' just to prove
Tough love

I was so beady eyed, i'm too shy, i just won't fight and let you tell me off
On and all around, one day i'll leave and never be found
I'll pack my bags, be out, say please, you never knew i'd leave so weak
If you coulda, shoulda, woulda been a real man to stay with you i do all that
I can

Let me tell you what i mean when i say that i watched you plead away from me
And you really, really gonna be starvin' baby
Now you wanna get back with me you have you friends keep pagin' me, but this
Star athlete can take his cletes and run

Tough love
You keep on telling me lies i can fantasize, but know i realize
You're still hungry for my love, but you should've ate huh, huh
Tough love
I keep on (i keep on) letting you back (letting you back) thats so whack
(thats so whack) but my heart attacks (but my heart attacks)
It don't matter what you do, never gon' get back with you, so keep on
Starvin' just to prove
Tough love

It's 365, 52, then 7, i 'm the closest you can get without
Dyin' and goin' to heaven
I was you caramel kisses and your chocolate eclairs, but you still lyin'
Telling friends you saw my underwear
When the waitress asks you for your order, you checking me, slim fem', brown
Skin, but there is much, much more to me
What you want from me, who you want me to be, but i can clearly see you love
Is no purpose it's on b.d.

Let me tell you what i mean when i say that i watched you plead away from me
And you really, really gonna be starvin' baby
Now you wanna get back with me you have you friends keep pagin' me, but this
Star athlete can take his cletes and run

Tough love
You keep on telling me lies i can fantasize, but know i realize
You're still hungry for my love, but you should've ate huh, huh
Tough love
I keep on (i keep on) letting you back (letting you back) thats so whack
(thats so whack) but my heart attacks (but my heart attacks)
It don't matter what you do, never gon' get back with you, so keep on
Starvin' just to prove
Tough love

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  • Baby Feat. Sole
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    Thats got me feenin for you, my baby, ooh...yeah..."
  • Baby
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    I've spent all my days, all my time
    Thinkin' bout you, baby
    Now it's the things you do..."
  • Daydream
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    Talking on the phone til the quarter to 3
    Walking in the park on a saturday
    Catch the bus back 'cause we walked too far away..."
  • Going To The Movies
    "Arike- oh, we love this julope baby
    Jeni g.- well you could be walking baby
    Mia- turn on the radio jen
    Arike- wait, wait ,wait, wait, turn it back, that's the bomb..."
  • How Could You
    "Ha, ha, ha
    Mia, arike, jeni g.
    Hey yo shek', kandi they ain't ready for us..."
  • Interlude In The Bathroom Given So Much
    "Given so much
    Given so much of your love and grace
    You have given to me
    Given to me, given to me, and I thank you now..."

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