Believe - Pax Romana Lyrics

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Artist: Believe
Song Title: Pax Romana
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I'm a Roman soldier, in the service of the Caesar.
I've got a fist of fury and my banner held high.
Now, I fight for the greatest army that has ever been known,
and though we've conquered the whole world,
there's still a void in mysoul.

I was there at His crucifixion,
I was there when they pierced His side.
Standing guard while the nails were driven,
Kind of Jews was hanged up high.
Crown of thorns I pushed into Him, bloody Friday afternoon.
When the sky went black I wondered, what if Jesus' words were true?

Now I see there's a God that loves me,
and a Heaven up above me.
And I need to take the first step to get to the light.
Cause I can see the end of the road that I've been traveling on,
And I'm headed for a cliff at the edge of the valley of no return,
The point of no return.

Hear me! Forgive me! Save me! I believe!
Hear me! Forgive me! Save me!
I believe in You! I believe in You!

Behold...The Lamb!
The God... who became a man!
Take hold... his hand!
He'll lead... you... to the Promised Land!

Now my life is changed forever, I can never be the same.
Onward now this Christian soldier, rising up in Jesus' name.
In the service of the Savior, another victory has been won.
Battle Satan and his darkness, keep my eyes fixed on the Son!

Now I see there's a God that loves me, and a Heaven up above me.
And I need to teach the whole world how to get to the light.
Cause I can see the end of the road that they are traveling on.
And I'm headed for a cliff at the edge of the valley of no return,
The point of no return.

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    The king's all ticked; he was ready kill.
    Went and fired up a funace made it hotter than hell;..."
  • Spirit Makes Your Want To Move
    "If the Spirit makes you want to move, let Him move you!
    If the Spirit makes you want to move, let Him move you!
    Throw your hands in the air, reach up to the sky!
    Throw your hands in the air, reach up to the sky!..."
  • Throne
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    I look back on my life, He's been so good to me.
    I thank you Lord, You mean everything to me...."

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