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Its Too Real (big Scary Animal) Song Lyrics
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You keep talkin' - who you trying to kid? Tryin' to keep your feelings hid And i'm a prisoner of the past It's so hard to make a good thing last We know history Over and over, will it repeat Hey you, it's only me No heart on my sleeve Here we go, some things are inevitable Don't we know, it could be so beautiful It's too real Situation flammable Love is, love is, love is.... A big scary animal Hey girl, be a man Why'd you let it get out of hand Hey boy, be a girl Who wants to live in a man's world? Come down, feel the ground We can't keep going 'round and around I know it's only you Can i refuse? can i refuse? can i refuse? Hey boy, serves you right Why'd you have to take that bite Hey girl, play your game God knows they're all the same Hey girl, listen up No use drink' from that broken cup Hey man, feel the fear Someday i'm gonna catch your tears Here we go, some things are inevitable Don't we know, it could be so beautiful It's too real Situation flammable Love is, love is, love is.... A big scary animal
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