Beloved - Scarlet Beautiful Lyrics

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Artist: Beloved
Song Title: Scarlet Beautiful
Genre: Dance
Visits: 822
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Scarlet beautiful, with your eyes of blue,
Got to tell you that I'm in love with you.
My angel, innocent saint;
Innocent maybe, but angel you ain't.

No, oh it just gets better each time.

Well, Scarlet Beautiful, my guiding light,
Invisible on a cloudless night,
One kiss and you're in for the kill.
Oh, just hold me, do what you will.

I know it just gets better each time.
Oh, it just gets better each time.

Chorus : Oh, it's just love, love, love, love, love...
It makes you smile, it makes you strong.
Just love, love, love, love, love...
It feels so good it can't be wrong.
It's just love, love, love, love, love...

Holding on...

Scarlet Beautiful, heaven can wait.
I can feel it, oh it feels great.
See the stars explode as they cross the sky.
It's beautiful, we kiss goodbye.

Oh, it just gets better each time.
Oh, it just gets better each time.

(Chorus, with slight variations.)

Twice as nice, oh twice as long,
Love, love, love, love, love...

Holding on...

(??? Something whispered ???)

Love, love, love, love, love...
Love, love, love, love, love...


Twice as nice, oh twice as long.
Just love, love, love, love, love...
It's holding on...

Sweet love, love, love, love, love...
Sweet love.

Oh, it's beautiful! (repeat until fade)


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    It's just the sun rising.
    It's shining...."
  • I Love You More
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    Something controlling me deep inside.
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  • Wake Up Soon
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    And maybe, well as a matter of fact.
    Gotta have responsibilities,
    And try your very best to please the wolves at your back...."
  • Up Up And Away
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