Belvedere - Stain Lyrics

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Artist: Belvedere
Song Title: Stain
Genre: Rock: Punk-Rock
Visits: 811
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What difference does it make, is it so important
Worth the friendships it will break
All this strife for prevailing moments
Now it's yours so fucking own it
And wear that crown of pain

For the record
No animosity, only rudders
Directions never real
For your records
Never follow the lead, motivations
The path too dark to see

Can't turn it back, can't turn away
Rearrange those words you said
Those days are burned in memories
And I doubt you'll ever come
To satisfy the green, to justify your need

Instantaneous retreat, should have been expected
Hope you're choking on those feet, rationale neglected

(This brick wall) A sand castle
(Apologies) Not worth the hassle
Of a moment of humility

For the moment
No animosity, only pity
Of the life you lead
For a moment
See yourself, clearly these motivations
Are never what they seem

Can't turn it back, can't turn away
Rearrange those words you said
Those days are burned in memories
And I doubt you'll ever come
To satisfy the green, to justify your need

Hope you find safety in having nothing (I hope you find)
Hope you find safety in having nothing (I hope you find)
Hope you find safety in having nothing (I hope you find)
Hope you find safety in having nothing (I hope you find)

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Other Belvedere song Lyrics
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  • Spark
    "It happened oh so fast it takes me by surprise, it took me where I haven't been, way back it happened when I looked into your eyes I know it hurts to make a sin. Don't tell me how you don't expect and uprising I won't go, I can't explain that someone deep inside of me told me so. It happened oh so fast it makes me wanna lie, lights in my eyes they're sort of dim, I pictured feeling when my temperature it rised, sights when your high above the rim. Don't tell me how you don't expect a side effect i've hit low, I can't explain why someone deep inside of me told me so. YEAH!!!! didn't go my way it didn't fly. YEAH!!!! damn you'd never know unless you tried.

  • Lemmings
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    it's our land of freedom and democracy,
    with the budget gone and spent,
    seperation imminent and we're expected..."
  • Circus
    "You think I'm loaded
    baby I'm just fine
    met my bottle he's a friend of mine
    I bring him to parties he won't leave my side ya..."
  • if you want to see other song lyrics from "Fast Forward Eats the Tape" album, click "Belvedere Singer" and search album songs from the artist page.

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