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Run Song Lyrics
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i feel you in the sidetrack,
im reachin out for contact,
i keep you on my mind.
and are you close to breakin,
im sorry if youre achin,
but i dont want to hide.
i feel you're somewhere downtown,
i hear you in the low sounds,
i bleed until im cut.
and im still thinkin of you,
i promise i can love you,
if you can keep it up.
run if you want me,
youre movin too slow,
run if you want me, whoa-oh
run if you want me,
youre movin too slow,
run if you want me, whoa-oh
the secret that im keepin,
the moment that im reachin,
the image on my mind.
i feel you in the outback,
im holdin out for contact,
but youre so far behind.
run if you want me,
youre movin too slow,
run if you want me, whoa-oh
run if you want me,
youre movin too slow,
run if you want me, whoa-oh
wake up, jump start
(your name across my heart)
someone dragged mine
(until the finish line)
slow burn, u-turn
(still life, a lesson learned)
fun, damage done
(if you want me you gotta...)
run if you want me,
youre movin too slow,
run if you want me, whoa-oh
run if you want me,
youre movin too slow,
run if you want me, whoa-oh
run if you want me,
youre movin too slow,
run if you want me, whoa-oh
run if you want me,
youre movin too slow,
run if you want me, whoa-oh
| Run Lyrics at Lyricstrue |
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