Benatar Pat - Out-A-Touch Lyrics

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Artist: Benatar Pat
Benatar Pat Author
Album: Crimes Of Passion (1980)
Benatar Pat - Crimes Of Passion Album
Song Title: Out-A-Touch
Genre: Rock: Pop-Rock
Visits: 736
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I've seen your picture in the paper, on the front page of magazines
I pulled the trigger right at you on Billboards movie screens
When I talk it's to myself, 'cos I know your kind just like everyone else
Maybe it'll work itself out in time, before I lose my mind

You, you're out-a-touch, all alone in the danger zone and I think too much
You're out-a-touch

I keep your letters by the mirror, you're the subject of every dream
You're not so invincible and I'm not what I might seem
When I look it's in your eyes, and I know your look, you can hypnotize
How long does it have to last like this, a kodachrome kiss

You, you're out-a-touch, all alone in the danger zone and I think too much
You, you're out-a-touch
You're in my sight all thru the night and I see too much
You're out-a-touch

Can't you see I'm obsessed, I'd do anything, I'm possessed
I'm in a constant rage with preliminary stage, I need you, I need you

(Instrumental break)

I've seen your picture in the paper, on the front page of magazines
I pulled the trigger right at you on Billboards movie screens
When I look it's in your eyes, and I know your look, you can hypnotize
How long does it have to last like this, a kodachrome kiss

You, you're out-a-touch, all alone in the danger zone and I think too much
You're out-a-touch

I need you, I need you, I need you, I need you
I need you, I need you, I need you, I need you


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  • We Live For Love
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  • Rated X
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    Now and then I get tired of the sound of you putting me down..."
  • if you want to see other song lyrics from "Crimes Of Passion" album, click "Benatar Pat Singer" and search album songs from the artist page.

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