Beneath The Ashes - Dear Slim Lyrics

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Artist: Beneath The Ashes
Song Title: Dear Slim
Visits: 764
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Dear Slim,

My favorite icon put the bong and the knife down

I'm sick of the songs about strapping your mom and your ex-wife down

To a nuclear bomb and dropping them on Saddam

Killing all the muses you use in almost all of your songs

Except those songs about Slim the Hip-Hoppian God

They make it seem you don't respect rappers like Biggie and Pac

Who if it weren't for them you be out of a job

Or flipping burgers with Ronald McDonald and not leading your mob

But the Blob's offensive, run and jumping the fences

And burying politicians in pop culture trenches

Dude, have some humility, oops responsibility, oops accountability, oops I said humility

Your face has covered worse magazines

than the artists and politicians you've mocked on every CD release

Ooh, how cool; you've proved you lack tact in your songs

In fact, you've grown up to act just like your mom

If y'all represent the truth and America's youth

Act like a leader we could actually use

You're a celebrity now, oh no, look what you did

You're America's role model but deny that you're it

Come on, come on, let's stand together as one

I ain't yelling about selling my soul, going to hell and back for platinum

Or gold to show the world is a gullible globe

Although, I can't respect the coalition of politicians signing petitions

Fearing Eminem's mission to bitch

When it's his right to taunt if he wants to fight

Even if you're frightened of what he might want to write

You're sworn to defend men, who offend men

Just because you believe in the first amendment

Even if it's illogical angst and vengeance

So defend your senses, but cleanse your dirty lenses

The law's written to both conservatives and leftists

It says Vanilla Ice Preservatives can be sexist

If y'all represent the truth and America's youth

Act like the leaders we could actually use

You're politicians now, oh no, look what you did

You're America's role models but deny art from our kids

Come on, come on, let's stand together as one

Censoring, the denial of actual words or factual things declared obscene

But molesting archdiocese, disease,

dead people in the streets from shooting sprees, epidemics

Paramedics clearing debris here and overseas aren't banned from TV

But yell shit, goddamn, or fuck hear three individual bleeps

A word's a word, let it be heard and learned

It's not the individual words but the order that hurts

Come on, come on, let's stand together as one

Come on, come on, stop threatening to censor our thoughts

And you'll get the response you want from now on

Come on, come on

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    And once again
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