Benefit - Proceed With Caution Lyrics

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Artist: Benefit
Song Title: Proceed With Caution
Visits: 829
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At all costs, (at all costs), at all costs, (at all costs)
"It's vicious......why it's it's, Inhuman"

Professional, uppen the decibel a decimal above
Extraterrestrial audible vessels
For blood audible missiles and vocal dismissals
Like Pistols, Tearing through Mc's skeletal bristles
Beneficial, Ripping in the kids brain tissues
Leaving them a bit retarded with personal issues
Personal miss-use, of my tracks is tested deadly
Infest the steady, when my tracks oppress the ready
To floods the brain like cocaine ingested heavy
Invest in every, bit of protection when testing benny
I've battled plenty, and everyone is rattled empty
Without a skeleton to hold 'em up they had to tempt me
And then correctly, spitting at me like a Jetski
Go ahead and press me, bones crunch like nestle
Arrest me, Sentence me and lock me away
So the streets can be safe for Mc's to play
By the way, when i spit don't get hit by a stray
Cause every random word i say can shatter your vertebrae
Every verb i spray, is a miss-call herb away
Word play, that will keep Mc's on the curb all DAY
In a verbal way, I get violent and kill quick
To define me kids make up words like "Ill-Sick"
Whose a relic, wack Mc's heads are real thick
So the target is big, my metaphors will stick

Unnecessary commotion
So logical (4x)
Proceed with caution
Unnecessary commotion
So Unsocial (4x)
Proceed with caution
It will be painful
So logical (4x)
Proceed with Caution
It will be painful
So unsocial (4x)
Proceed with Caution

Behold Benefit, its the old and degenerate
I heal by the power of the subject and predicate
The "Pro-ject" delivering, hole of the redirect
Mc's will fall like the soul of confederates
Total Considerate, apologies, follow these
Battle anthologies, Mc's say please
And possibly I'll display generosity
And watch thee velocity, when I'm spitting this atrocity
But probably not, and the robberies hot
When kids steal my rhymes and ignite on spot
If you bite on top, from being wack and dropped
Call it "I bit Benefit", it may pop
And you get a hit, but being illiterate
Ignorant, and coming out ill legitament
My wrath will reak havoc on your family
Gradually, everyone will die through a homicidal tragedy
Bone and vital legacy, prophecy place me
President of Mc's genocide agency
Feeling me is like feeling a flame in hell
Casting a demon spell, so Mc's a dreaming well
And thinking they're real, knocked out on night Ni-quil
In a dream land where they sick and real type ill
But lovely dreams soon come to a nightmare
When they battle Benefit and they die right there

But it will try

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  • Garbage Pail Kids
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  • If I Owned A Midget
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    he'd have a big head, short legs and long torso
    the name that i'd give my pet midget is little gordo..."
  • Kill On
    I AWAIT U,..."

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