Benefit - The United Stage Of America Lyrics

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Artist: Benefit
Song Title: The United Stage Of America
Visits: 814
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[Well you see you can?t put all history in the book,
so you got a lot of history that is not in the book that is valuable
and sometime it is more valuable then the history that is in the book.]

I speak to a chosen few
Who impose a view
Held by common man, my proposal grew
I love independent thought seeds
Planted righteous roses but the world brought weeds
Any man who fought creeds In history in wicked ways
Felt pain when I bleed while living in the sickest days
Viscous plays with secretive scenes and acts
Lies laid like train tracks to cover up seen facts
Green bags perpetuate the playwrights
Money makes a setting change from night to daylight
Its all allusion with trick mirror reflections
At people?s choice awards or presidential elections
Deception hidden Like a serpent in the cracks
To watch a play it cost you with 7 % tax
??? ??? ??? habitual greed
The forbidden tree is grown out of a capital seed
If it?s shaken roughly you watch the power unravel
The spotlight shines from the tower of babble
It burns people so they?ll always find a means
To keep hidden what goes on behind the scenes
Currency flooding so they wont stop inflation
The masses are subdued by media propagation
Proclamation of waste, they?re throwing you away
Well the law sheep flock their going to the play

[Chorus - 2X]
History has shown us a power in greed
Devour indeed fallen in an hour of need
A flower will breed just shower the seed
A coward will bleed
This is my creed listen, behold, and take heed

A global theater with an enormous performance
With lonely stage hands with military indolence
Be super conscious a subliminal fact is built
You like the play join the political act is guilt
And learn how to fake what you feel with snake appeal
Then rob the poor?s pockets every time you make a deal
Taking steal under the guys of just cause and trust laws
Manifest acceptance as a audience applause
A river of greed its an undisrupted flow
While civilian police are nothing but a puppet show
Let the trumpets blow, signaling the opening act
Pull the curtains back an unseen open in tact
Let the true light refract and reflect like a prism
While monopoly?s unlawful in direct communism
I?m secretly having my freedom stripped
Meanwhile ??? political parasites read a script
You walk with a smile even if you hate it
Ignorance allows the audience to be manipulated
Stated innocent, really guilty hitting criminals
Children are deprived of basic vitamins and minerals
Lies contracting deals of subtracting bills
No truth found only good acting skills
Check the dollar bill under the pyramid in Latin
New world order exists draped in black satin

[Chorus - 2X]
History has shown us a power in greed
Devour indeed fallen in an hour of need
A flower will breed just shower the seed
A coward will bleed
This is my creed listen, behold, and take heed

I plead that my voice is heard with the choice of words
To stimulate like the moistest herbs
Poisonous observe venomous on real reality
Of surreal gallery with the phony actuality
Politicians taking drama classes to promise actions
Succeeding in eliminating honest factions
A continuous play with no intermission
Executive decision lead into wicked wishing
A crooked Christian will help you show you to your seat
And steal your wallet and say ?I owe you a receipt?
Slow deceit is upon us its the hour of the losing
And writing script ideas into our constitution
Evil intrusion makes a breaking and entering
On the united front the faking is centering
Take it and spend it with welfare landing
Inevitable effect is healthcare ending
Scene 6 Act 6 Script 6
The plays displaying devilish characteristics
The show goes on, you can?t keep the play waiting
The poor pay the rich and the rich pay satin
I uphold my Constitutional right to fight
Speak words of light to ignite in sight
Its all relative to your life certainly I suppose
If you open the truth you make the curtains close

[Chorus - 2X]
History has shown us a power in greed
Devour indeed fallen in an hour of need
A flower will breed just shower the seed
A coward will bleed
This is my creed listen, behold, and take heed

[Now wait a minute, somebody?s holding their head up saying they did
and somebody?s shaking their head saying they didn?t make no history yesterday.
Everybody in here made history yesterday.]

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    I grabbed her tit, she was too slow, she didn't get it..."
  • If I Owned A Midget
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    he'd have a big head, short legs and long torso
    the name that i'd give my pet midget is little gordo..."
  • Kill On
    I AWAIT U,..."

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