Benny Goodman - Therell Be Some Changes Made Lyrics

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Artist: Benny Goodman
Benny Goodman Author
Song Title: Therell Be Some Changes Made
Visits: 902
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They say don't change the old for the new,
But I've found out this will never do
When you grow old you don't last long
You're here today and then tomorrow you're gone,
I loved a man(gal) for many years gone by,
I tho't his(her) love for me would never die,
He(She) made some changes that would never do
From now on I'm goin' to make some changs too.

For there's a change in the weather
There's a change in the sea
So from now on there'll be a change in me
My walk will be diff'rent my talk and my name
Nothin' about me is goin' to be the same,
I'm goin' to change my way of livin' if that ain't enough,
Then I'll change the way that I strut my stuff,
'cause nobody wants you when you're old and gray
Ther'll be some change made.

They say the old time things are the best,
That may be very good for all the rest
But I'm goin' to let the old things be
'Cause they are certainly not suited for me,
There was a time when I thought that way,
That's why I'm all alone here today
Since ev'ry one of these days seeks something new
From now on I'm goin' to seek some new things too.

For there's a change in the fashions,
Ask the fiminine folks
Even Jack Benny has been changing jokes,
I must make some changes from old to the new
I must do things just the same as others do,
I'm goin' to change my long, tall Mamma(Daddy) for a ittle short Fat,
Goin' to change the number where I live at.
I must have some lovin' or I'll fade away,
There'll be some changes made.


Here are additional choruses that appear on the inside page in the sheet
music. Interesting.


There's a change in your manner
And a change in your way
There was time once when you was O.K.
You once said you save ev'ry kiss for my sake
Now your're giving all the girls an even break
I'm gonna send out invitations to the men I know
Cause your're gettin' colder than a Eskimo
I must have my lovin' or I'll fade away
There'll be some changes made to-day
There'll be some changes made.


For there's a change in your manner
There's a change in your style
And here of late you never wear a smile
You don't seem to act like a real lover should
You can't thrill your mamma if your're made of wood
I gotta have a man who loves me like a real live Sheik
With a tasty kiss that lingers for a week
I'm not over sixty so it's time to say
There'll be some changes made to-day
There'll be some changes made.


For there's a change in your squewezin'
There's a change in your kiss
It used to have a kick that I now miss
You'd set me on fire when you used to tease
Now each time you call I just sit there and freeze
You had a way of making love that made a hit with me
One time you could thrilll me but it's plain to see
You're not so ambitious as you used to be
There'll be some changes made to-day
There'll be some changes made.


There's a change in the weather
There's a change in the sea
From now on There'll be a change in me
I'm tired of working all of my life
I'm gonna grab a rich husband and be his wife
I'm going to ride around in a big limousine
Wear fancy clothes and put on plenty of steam
No more tired puppies, will I treat you mean
There'll be some changes made to-day
There'll be some changes made.


For there's a change in your manner
There's a change in your smile
From now on you can't be worth my while
I'm right here to tell you with you I'm thru
Your brand of lovin' will never do
I'm gettin' tired of eating just butter and bread
I could enjoy a few pork chops instead
You know variety is the spice of life they say
There'll be some changes made to-day (I'll get mine)
There'll be some changes made

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