Berlin Irving - Follow Me Around (13 Nov 1912) Lyrics

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Artist: Berlin Irving
Song Title: Follow Me Around (13 Nov 1912)
Visits: 765
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[1st verse:]
Tell me, dear, would you like to see the town a bit?
Would you like to go around?
If you'd care to be where there's a whole lot doin'
Then you better come down
Let's go down to where ev'rybody's doin' it
Where they never wear a frown
You will have a ton full of fun, little hon'
If you follow me around

Follow me around, all around, all around
Chasing, racing all around the town
Don't you make a sound, make a sound, make a sound
And you'll be glad before the night is over
That you followed me around, all around, all around
We will cover lots of ground
I've got the key to most ev'ry cabaret
Where there's an hour of joy we can grab away
We'll discover places that Columbus never found
Dearie, if you follow me around

[2nd verse:]
Let's go where ev'rybody makes a night of it
Where they've thrown away the key
Where a stein full of wine starts your head a-buzzin'
Like a troublesome bee
Rest assured, ever since I got the sight of it
There I always want to be
Let me tell you, pet, that I've yet to regret
So you better follow me

Follow Me Around (13 Nov 1912) Lyrics at Lyricstrue

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