Bern Dan - Suzanne Lyrics

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Artist: Bern Dan
Song Title: Suzanne
Visits: 800
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Your hand is between my legs
The dog is between our bodies
as I wake up
You are rollin' from me
I am rollin' from you
Time to join a new religion
Time to overthrow the state
Time to demand all my beliefs are in a new constitution
I can't stop you from cryin'
but sometimes, I can lick away your tears
If you look in someone's eyes
more than two seconds now
you better be prepared to fight
I got too much fear
And too much neglect of magical things
I am rollin' from youyou are rollin' from me
We are rollin' away
I caught a cold and for two days straight
my ears have been plugged up
as if my body's saying'
you don't need your ears
you don't listen anyways
we need more nose jobs
we need more hair relaxers
more magazine's tellin us
there's something wrong with your face
there's something wrong with your face
there's something wring with your face
I am rollin' from youyou are rollin' from me
We are rollin' away
some wild creature has taken command
I gave him the keys and now he's stompin' thru
the house
he has a very busy itinerary
and he does not have time for you
I wish I could give you everything
all of me just like before
this last time together
we did everything 'cept fight
aw we used to fight so good
I am rollin' from youyou are rollin' from me
We are rollin' away
I see beautiful actresses with terrible scripts
and I want to write 'em all a great one
oh don't worry baby
I'll write you one too
But I'll also write one for Andie McDowell
I'd love to trade places with a dog for a day
To know what he thinks and what he feels
Does he think about life-a

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Other Bern Dan song Lyrics
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  • Jesus Freak
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    The day they found a cure for AIDS
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  • Monica
    "Stay where you are
    Plenty room for both of us
    And I don't want you to come any closer
    Than you are right now..."
  • No Missing Link
    "I remember Monica
    At the US Open
    She mighta been 16
    Couldn't've been much more..."
  • Oh Sister
    "They look for the missing link
    There's no missing link
    They'll never find the missing link
    There's no missing link..."
  • One Dance
    "They say you taught me how to talk
    Bet you wish you taught me how to stop
    you're far away now, wish I could take a walk with you someplace
    you explained me to our parents..."
  • One Thing Real
    "Because I love you
    I get tongue tied around you
    I never say smart stuff around you
    I never say anything around you..."

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