Berry Chuck - If I Were Lyrics

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Artist: Berry Chuck
Berry Chuck Author
Song Title: If I Were
Visits: 832
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If I were a pendulum swing and you were the bird in the cuckoo clock
Ev'ry time you cucko-cooed I would double tick another tick tock
I'd double my swing ev'ry time you'd sing we'd make good time with each other
Oh, but that would be just so much fun cooin' and swingin' together

If I were a little bitty boy and I had just a little bit o' credit
I would make a loan for an ice cream cone and I'd go right away and get it
You would lick a little and I would lick a little, we surely could lick with each other
Oh, but that would be just so much fun, eating it all together

And if I were a little honey bee and you were a little butterfly
I would be waiting at the garden gate until you came fluttering by
Maybe you'd stop on a red rose top and then we could talk to each other
Oh, but we cou'd flutter up so much fun being in the garden together

But I'm just an ordinary guy and I love all the things you do
You seem such a talented, beautiful girl and I'm afraid to even talk to you
If I were as bold like some guys, hearin' them talk to each other
I'd come over and ask you if we could go out together

But if you were a Mercedes-Benz, I'd have to be a Fleetwood Brougham
And ev'ry time I saw you rollin' on the freeway I think I'd have to follow you home
You could let me lodge in your double garage, bumper to bumper out of the weather
Nobody home but the Benz and the Brougham, really rarin' to roll off together

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