Berserk - Forest Of Souls In The Wolfs Land Lyrics

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Artist: Berserk
Song Title: Forest Of Souls In The Wolfs Land
Visits: 873
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The long wait is over and now we expect the battle.
The weapons were forged with our ancestral hate.
The union of the lands will give back the Ancient Laws of the Kingdom.
The traditions will recover and we'll expel to the invaders.
Following the wolf's steps, confidently we go to the battle.
In the battlefield the rite will be complete.
And our souls will obtain eternal power
For conquer the wolf's land and drain their blood.
We are the legions of Darkness so we haven't fear
To the christian god and the traitors
We'll magnificient to our beloved Celtiberia
Spreading our culture until death.
The unity is the only way towers the victory
Thousands of swords will pierce the chests of the christians.
And thousands of shields will protect to our rough territory.
We go blind by the Rage Berserk, we enter in the battle
The devastator power of our souls
Will unleash our innermost beast
And the invader's hegemony
Will fall by means of the edge of the iron.
Our hearts pump brimming blood of hate
And our bodies will be the seed,
Which, fed by our blood, will give rise to an oak grove.
Every oak tree will contain the soul of a dead warrior,
And the forest will symbolize the eternal union of these souls.
Faithful nature! As faithful as we are before hers.
She will go with us in the final tour,
Being our single companion.

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