Best Man - I See You Lyrics
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I See You Song Lyrics
Best Man
Song Title:
I See You
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Ho, oh
Its funny how time flies
Weve been together two years from July
Might not seem like much, but Im impressed
No one has kept my attention this long, I confess
Girl, you are crazy cool and I swear
Your love is like a breath of fresh air
Matter of fact, if you stay fine or get fat
I dont care about that
Girl, youve got me buggin (Yeah), your loves on my
Every little second, every minute, its funny how you
stop time (Yeah)
And youve got me open (Open) from the thought of you
And everything I do (Everything I do), I do it all for
you (Think)
When I think about the day I finally say "I do" girl
I see you (Oh...oh...)
When I paint the perfect picture, how I see my future
I see you (All I see)
When I daydream of growin old, how my storys told
I see you
Now what could that mean to me, it aint hard to see
Well always be together
No one could dare compare
Baby, were the prefect pair
When they see us they stop and stare
They see the joy we share
Girl, Im so into you
Cause every time it feels like new
Yes, its true and I do want to let you know
That Ill never let you go
Girl, youve got me buggin, your loves on my mind
Every little second, every minute, its funny how you
stop time (How you stop my time)
And youve got me open from the thought of you (From
the thought of you)
And everything I do (Everything I do), I do it all for
you (I do it all for you)
When I think about the day I finally say "I do" girl
I see you (I see you)
When I paint the perfect picture, how I see my future
(Yeah, yeah)
I see you (I see you)
When I daydream of growin old, how my storys told
I see you
Now what could that mean to me, it aint hard to see
Well always be together (Well always be together,
When I think about the day I finally say "I do" girl
(When I think of the day I finally see)
I see you
When I paint the perfect picture, how I see my future
(, no)
I see you
When I daydream of growin old, how my storys told
I see you (Wanna grow old with you, baby)
Now what could that mean to me, it aint hard to see
(Oh, no, no, no, no)
Well always be together
Feelin this way, I might as well stay
Here beside your love forever, girl, come what may
Cause feelin like this, I might as well give in
Live inside your love forever, no matter what, girl, I
think when (I think when)
When I think about the day I finally say "I do" girl
(I do)
I see you (When I think of the day I finally say it)
When I paint the perfect picture, how I see my future
(All I see is you)
I see you (Oh)
When I daydream of growin old, how my storys told
(Yeah, oh, yeah, yeah)
I see you
Now what could that mean (Mean) to me (To me), it
aint hard to see
Well always be together (Baby)
When I think about the day I finally say "I do" girl
(I do)
I see you (I do)
When I paint the perfect picture, how I see my future
I see you (When I paint the perfect picture)
When I daydream of growin old, how my storys told
I see you
Now what could that mean to me, it aint hard to see
(You, yeah)
Well always be together (Yeah)
I See You Lyrics
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