Beta Band - Eclipse Lyrics

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Artist: Beta Band
Song Title: Eclipse
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The people asking questions to the people with the answers

The people with the answers ire the people with the questions

So the people with the questions asked the people with the answers

The people with the answers won't tell the people with the questions the answers

So the people with the questions they ask the people with the answers

But the people with the answers won't speak to them

Because the people with the answers give the people with the questions

just a little bit too hard a time to speak to

I'm a man who likes to be alone

I'm a man who likes to think alone

I don't have too many answers, but I got a whole heap of questions

I got a whole heap of questions that I won't hide from you

So low, don't smile you get high [?]

So the people with the books they went and stood up on the mountain

To get away from the people with no books

The people with the books they started reading on the mountain but

they couldn't see a thing because the sky went dark

I don't know where the cloud cover came from

I'm just sitting here rocking on the station

I don't want to be the type of guy

who lives alone, reading books, and never eats a pizza pie

I don't want to be the type of person sitting alone with a book on my own

With a book on my own

The people with the questions got together

with the people with the books and left the people with answers out

So the people with the answers started to make their way over the hill

to meet with people with the questions and the people with the books

And we all live together on a little round ball

We all sing together when the cuckoo calls

I'm not the type best living alone

Could we live together? Well, I don't know..

I'm not sitting here giving you a lesson

So I?ll just keep my mouth shut for the next few minutes

Can't keep quiet for long

I'm a human being

Can't help help singing this song

I'm a human being

You won't listen to me

I'm not an authority

So the people with the answers met the people with the questions

and the people with the books sat down

They finally decided to sit around to talk about their problems

to see if they come up with some answers to meet the questions

and some questions to meet the answers

well, the leaves on the trees are green

[ok we're agreed on that]

and the roads are not very clean

[ok we're agreed on that]

and the food we eat is not very healthy

[ok we're agreed on that]

and the music we make is not particularily good

[ok we're agreed on that]

and the planets sort of revolve around the sun

[ok we're agreed on that]

and the moon is a big ball with nothing on it, and I don't think anyone's ever been there

[ok, so we're kind of agreed to that, so what are we arguing about?

Well, I don't know..

Ok. so let?s get together and smoke that pizza pie]

Some people with a pizza pie made me very high

The people with the questions smile

And the people with the answers lie

They lie

So no pizza for them

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