Beta Band - Smiling Lyrics

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Artist: Beta Band
Song Title: Smiling
Visits: 671
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You lost it, you sold it, you bought it, you found it
You broke it, you stole it, you dropped it, you drowned it
You fought it, you want it, you flew it, you sue it
You glue it, you drew it, you float it, you goat it
You shopped it, you flogged it, you taught it, you bought it
You own it, you know it, you blew it, you smoked it
You start it, you loved it, you ate it, you blew it
You green it, you shoot it, you spat it, you flat it
You bought it, you loved it, you missed it, you ???? it
You diced it, you ????? it, you armed it, you watch it
You smoke it, you ????? it, you boot it, you suit it
You wrecked it, you own it, you smoke it, you ???? it
You need it, you bleed it

I thought you ?????? thought you were gonna sing about it
??????? when you smile

You lost it, you sold it, you bought it, you found it
You broke it, you stole it, you dropped it, you drowned it
You fought it, you want it, you flew it, you sue it
You glue it, you drew it, you float it, you goat it
You shopped it, you flogged it, you taught it, you bought it
You own it, you know it, you blew it, you smoked it
You start it, you loved it, you ate it, you blew it
You green it, you shoot it, you spat it, you flat it
You bought it, you loved it, you missed it, you ???? it
You diced it, you ????? it, you armed it, you watch it
You smoke it, you ????? it, you boot it, you suit it
You wrecked it, you own it, you smoke it, you ???? it
You need it, you bleed it

Thank heaven when you smile
Thank heaven when you smile
Thank heaven when you smile

Keep it going going going, gotta keep it going
Come on John now don't be slowing
Keep it going now, gotta keep it going
Come on John now, gotta keep it going
Come on John now don't be slowing
Keep it going now, gotta keep it going
Keep it going John, gotta keep it going

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  • Broke
    "Simple truth is all I ask for but no reply
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    A night alone watching other people going home..."
  • Dance Oer The Border
    "Nice, nice 'n' easy
    Say easy, easy
    Easy, say easy
    Say easy..."
  • Dogs Got A Bone
    "One, Two, Three, Four
    Dog's got a bone, all of his own
    Wednesday morning, middle of the road
    Can't help this feeling, of feeling so alone..."
  • Dr. Baker
    "Dr. Baker phoned me in the morning
    Left a note, he's still yawning
    Dr. Baker phoned me in the morning
    Left a note, she couldn't make it..."

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