Beth Orton - Blood Red River Lyrics

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Artist: Beth Orton
Beth Orton Author
Album: Central Reservation (1999)
Beth Orton - Central Reservation Album
Song Title: Blood Red River
Genre: Rock
Visits: 828
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Took a friend I found
Across some blood red river
Never did find my way home
In time to forgive her

Why must people always want what they can't have?
Why must people always grab what they'd never grasp?

How did we get so far?
How do we move so fast away
From the lilac-lilied lake
I'm sure we used to play
Is it only a dream away?

Took a raft I found
Across some blood red river
Never did find my way home
In time for my dinner

Why must people always want what they never have?
Why is it a crime to miss a part of you that's bled?

How did we get so far?
How do we move so fast away
From the lilac-lilied lake
I'm sure we used to play
Is it only a dream away?
Only a dream away

Lost a friend
I found down some blood red river
Never did find my way home
In time to forget her

Why must people always want what they can't have?
Why must people always take, but forget to ask?

How do we get so far?
How do we move so fast away
From the lilac lilied lake
Where I'm sure where we used to play
Is it only a dream away?
Only a dream away

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    From a moment I acquired such grace,
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    "You walked into my house last night
    I couldn't help but notice
    A light that was long gone still burning strong
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  • Sweetest Decline
    "She weaves secrets in her hair
    The whispers are not hers to share
    She's deep as a well
    She's deep as a well..."
  • Pass In Time
    "So much stays unknown till the time has come.
    Did you imagine you could ever be so strong,
    Then watch your fear just turn into relief?
    Your sea of doubt become your own belief?..."
  • if you want to see other song lyrics from "Central Reservation" album, click "Beth Orton Singer" and search album songs from the artist page.

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