Bethania Maria - Costumes Lyrics

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Artist: Bethania Maria
Bethania Maria Author
Album: Ao Vivo Canecao (1994)
Bethania Maria - Ao Vivo Canecao Album
Song Title: Costumes
Visits: 802
Print Version

A candlelight leads my way, through this haunted night
A wind blows cold into my face, as the shadows catches me

Don't you hear the whispers....
Calling out your name
Don't you feelthe presence....
Of the wolves and what they bring
Don't you see the evil....
It makes you want to scream
Don't you ever look at me....
I am your dream

Mmm... can you see, where I am now
Is this reality or fiction in my head
The cross has fallen, and turned to dust
I guess I'm losing it, or maybe I'm dead

Don't you hear the whispers....
Calling out your name
Don't you feelthe presence....
Of the wolves and what they bring
Don't you see the evil....
It makes you want to scream
Don't you ever look at me....
I am your dream

And so I walk on, to figure out
What force has gotten me, inside their care
I am possessed, there's no way back
I have to face it, forever black

Oooh catch me, as I fall
Reach out for me, hear my call
Chase away the demons, underneath my skin
Can you take away, my evil sins?

The touch of evil has made me strong
I learned that good ones are always wrong
The force of darkness has got my soul
I am eternal now, I will never grow old

And so the candle burns and leads the way
To eternal darkness and far away

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Other Bethania Maria song Lyrics
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  • Detalhes
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  • Infinito Desejo
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    Ah! Essa luta de corpos suados..."
  • Reconvexo
    "No tente me enganar
    Vejo em seu olhar
    Que j no existe
    Aquele mesmo amor que nunca esperou..."
  • Seu Corpo
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    Sobre os automveis de Roma
    Eu sou a sereia que dana
    A destemida Iara, gua e folha da Amaznia..."
  • Uns Versos
    "No seu corpo que eu encontro
    Depois do amor o descanso
    E essa paz infinita
    No seu corpo minhas mos..."
  • if you want to see other song lyrics from "Ao Vivo Canecao" album, click "Bethania Maria Singer" and search album songs from the artist page.

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