Bethany Joy Lenz - Day After Today Lyrics

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Artist: Bethany Joy Lenz
Song Title: Day After Today
Visits: 833
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Said I want to live the city life
This small town could eat me alive
I gotta pack my things and go where the railroad takes me
Mama's too poor to send me away
But I've been saving up on most everyday
Little bit out of each check from the Gas & Deli

And the whistle keeps on blowing
And the train keeps on rolling

And he said
I ain't never been to New York City
I ain't seen the San Francisco Bay
I ain't never tried my hand in Vegas
But you bet your bottom dollar
That's where I'm going the day after today

So he locked the door and he killed the lights
Took a six pack to get him through the night
Didn't have a plan just a good sense of direction
And Maybelline, his beauty queen
She cried all night cause the sheet were clean
But he left her a lovers' note there apologizing

He said I hear the whistle blowing
Gotta catch it the train is rolling

And he said
I ain't never been to New York City
I ain't seen the San Francisco Bay
I ain't never tried my hand in Vegas
But you bet your bottom dollar
That's where I'm going the day after today

The air is thick on the concrete isle
Ain't nothing green for like twenty miles
And he ain't use to the sun and moon a hiding
So he took his foot from out his mouth
And he packed his things and went back down south
But Maybelline said "Babe my time's arising."

Said I hear the whistle blowing
Gotta catch it the train is rolling

And she said
I ain't never been to New York City
I ain't seen the San Francisco Bay
I ain't never tried my hand in Vegas
I never seen the L.A lights shine bright
Bright, brighter than your smile was ever
Brighter than my desire was ever
Longer burning than our love was ever....

And she said
I ain't never been to New York City
I ain't seen the San Francisco Bay
I ain't never tried my hand in Vegas
But you bet your bottom dollar
That's where I'm going the day after today

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Other Bethany Joy Lenz song Lyrics
  • 1972
    ""Moving on from 1972 ain't an easy task," he said
    Says he's been sober since she left him for dead
    And the old man takes a swig of his non-alcoholic beer
    And the tired man proudly takes a drag, it's been nearly 28 years...."
  • Crazy Girls
    "I?ve been behind on the events of the past 7 days
    I?ve been sleeping in my bed
    And missing you like sometimes crazy girls do
    I?ve been hanging like a child onto this photograph of us..."
  • Dont Walk Away
    "I could never leave you
    Even you if you asked me to
    I could never say goodbye
    And make you cry..."
  • Elsewhere
    "I love the time and in between
    The calm inside me
    In this space where I can breathe
    I believe there a distance I have wandered..."
  • Honestly
    "Honestly I didn?t mean to cry so hard the heartache was pouring in like rain
    I didn?t mean to show I care
    Honestly I didn?t mean to laugh so loud but it just sounds so absurd to say that you want me
    Say that you need me after everything you?ve done..."
  • If Youre Missing (Come On Home)
    "Here I am
    Red high heels
    Yellow dress
    Perfect nails..."
  • Josiah
    "It's only a three day drive
    And I was hoping you'd come along
    Come on Josiah, don't be cross
    I hear New Mexico is really gorgeous this time of year..."
  • Las Palmas
    "I woke up in white cotton sheets
    With a glass of champagne in my hand
    I looked out the window beside me
    Breathed in the sea and the sand..."
  • ...Show All

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