Bif Naked - October Song Lyrics
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Bif Naked Singer Lyrics
October Song Song Lyrics
Bif Naked
Purge (2001)
Song Title:
October Song
Print Version
if i fall out of my nest
will you pick me up, will you help me fly
if i fall out of my nest
will you show me love
if i'm in over my head
will you pick me up will you help me out
if i'm in over my head
will you show me love
its cold baby, its cold baby
i need your love to get me through this time
lonely, october song
i am a bleeding heart
lonely, october song
help me i'm falling apart
i can't seem to find anyone
who hasn't fallen, fallen down
i can't seem to find to anyone unlike
a crispy leaf on the ground
there are leaves all around
if i'm blind and lose my way
will you walk with me, will you help me see
if i'm blind and lose my way
will you show me love
if i'm incarcerated
will you bust me out, will you set me free
if i'm incarcerated
will you show me love
its cold baby, its cold baby
i need your love to get me through this time
lonely, october song
i am a bleeding heart
lonely, october song
help me i'm falling apart
i can't seem to find anyone
who hasn't fallen, fallen down
i can't seem to find to anyone unlike
a crispy leaf on the ground
there are leaves all around
if i fall out of my nest
and if i'm in over my head
if i'm blind and lose my way
if i'm incarcerated
if i fall out of my nest (its cold baby, its cold baby)
and if i'm in over my head (its cold baby, its cold baby)
if i'm blind and lose my way (its cold baby, its cold baby)
if i'm incarcerated (its cold baby, its cold baby)
i can't seem to find anyone
who hasn't fallen, fallen down
i can't seem to find to anyone unlike
a crispy leaf on the ground
there are leaves all around
i can't seem to find anyone
who hasn't fallen, fallen down
i can't seem to find to anyone unlike (its cold baby)
a crispy leaf on the ground (its cold baby)
there are leaves all around
October Song Lyrics
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Other Bif Naked song Lyrics
I Died
"to meet you for lunch. you sit like a thai princess??
cold and captivating. you divulge your latest secret.
from my eyes flows glacier water.
from my soul, sick obscenities...."
"I got a boyfriend. he's a bad boy.
he is my favorite. he is my joy.
i got a boyfriend. "danger boy!"
he's got a girlfriend. she is my toy!..."
"baby get ready - i'm coming for you,
i'm a vampire!
i want you - nothing you can do,
i'm a vampire!..."
Choking on the Truth
"Sucking on a sucker
running down the alley
away from worthlessness.
It's dusk...."
"she's dawning on me
she's dawning on me
she's dawning on me
for you, i'm a good for nothing woman..."
Hold On
"Baby I'm angry
Baby I'm scared
We're living in a dark time
And nobody cares..."
I Love Myself Today
"You left me like a broken doll
In pieces as I took the fall
For you, you dumb chump
You left me free fallin like space junk..."
"Artist/Band Bif Naked
Song title Leader
Album Purge
Corrected by Chase Gifford"
if you want to see other song lyrics from "Purge" album, click "
Bif Naked Singer
" and search album songs from the artist page.
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